In accordance with part 2 of article 29 Of the law of the Kyrgyz Republic "on public procurement", during the evaluation, the procuring entity rejects the tender application if:
In the case that was set such requirements, then the evaluation of bids non-residents of the Kyrgyz Republic, which were submitted on the terms поставкиDAPилиCIP on the basic price (the price условияхDAPилиCIP) is added to (taken into account) the costs associated with taxes, customs duties, transport costs, etc. and after the match price totals tender applications of residents and nonresidents of the Kyrgyz Republic in the established order.
At the same time, we note that residents of the Kyrgyz Republic set the bid price taking into account all expenses.
Purchasing organizations in order to effectively plan the costs of purchasing goods, works and services, it is necessary to monitor the prices of purchased goods, works and services before the competition.
However, note that the procuring entity to monitor prices of goods, works and services may use publicly available information on market prices of goods, works, services, information on prices of goods, works and services received upon request from suppliers (contractors) that supply identical goods, works and services planned for procurements or at their lack of similar goods, works, services.
We also inform you that the purchasing organization can use data published on the official websites of the National statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic to monitor the prices of purchased goods, works and services ( and the State Agency for Antimonopoly regulation under the government of the Kyrgyz Republic (