Development of urban transport: key findings of the conference at KSTU


On February 27, 2024, a roundtable meeting was held in the conference hall of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, with the participation of representatives from the Mayor's Office, the Department of Transport and Development of Transport Infrastructure, the State Traffic Safety Administration, the Bishkek Passenger Auto Transport Enterprise, the Bishkek Transport University, municipal enterprise leaders and their employees, the Public Association "Alliance Bus Association," representatives of the civil sector, as well as experts - professors and students of the International Higher School of Logistics of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.

The event was organized by the Bishkek Mayor's Office, the International Higher School of Logistics of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, and the Coordination Council for the Development of Public Passenger Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure in Bishkek.

The aim of the roundtable meeting was to discuss urban transport issues and develop joint measures to improve public transport services and create favorable conditions for urban infrastructure in Bishkek using digitization and IT technologies.

Ulan Beishenbaev, Director of the Department of Transport and Development of Transport Infrastructure, addressed the participants with a welcome speech, emphasizing the importance of the event for the city's development and collaborative resolution of transportation issues.

Associate Professor of the International Higher School of Logistics, A.A. Kydykov, presented the results of the analysis of traffic congestion in the city and proposed solutions to alleviate it.

Talent Kaparov, Head of the Bishkek Passenger Auto Transport Enterprise and Bishkek Transport University, shared information about the state of the enterprises and the passenger traffic management system.

Students from the 1st and 3rd courses of the International Higher School of Logistics, united in the Logistics Club, presented the results of their research on the occupancy of public transport stops and monitoring of bus movements in dedicated lanes and one-way streets.

Renat Sultanmamytov, Director of the Municipal Enterprise for Road Transport Infrastructure, discussed the implementation of an automated traffic management system in Bishkek and the project's future prospects.

Professor of the International Higher School of Logistics, T.M. Shabdanaliev, summarized the results of the study on the efficiency of trolleybus utilization in the city and its future prospects.

As a result of the meeting, a resolution was unanimously adopted, emphasizing the importance of joint work between the Bishkek Mayor's Office, its structural units, and the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov within the Coordination Council for the Development of Public Passenger Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure in Bishkek and the Expert Group of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. The resolution also aims to continue work in several areas, including expanding road infrastructure, improving traffic schedules, implementing GPS technologies, and enhancing service quality.

The event was conducted with active discussion, generating interest and inspiring further work in the field. The organizers of the roundtable agreed to hold it regularly.
