Successful "Green Legacy" Campaign: Tree Planting Event on University Grounds


On March 20, 2024, an important event took place at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov – a tree planting campaign as part of the "Green Heritage" program. This initiative aimed to emphasize the importance of environmental care and draw attention to ecological issues.

First-year students of the International School of Logistics actively participated in the event, demonstrating not only their support but also an understanding of the significance of preserving nature for future generations. Witnessing such enthusiasm and awareness among the youth is an inspiring example of how everyone can contribute to environmental conservation.

The event was successful thanks to the diligence and dedication of all its participants and organizers. We sincerely thank everyone who took part and contributed their efforts to this important cause.

Let's continue working together, making the world a better place for all of us and our descendants, continuing to build the "Green Heritage" – a green future for our planet.
