Green economy principles in the Kyrgyz Republic: promoting the use of transports with electric traction systems


In order to encourage the use of next generation transport - electric vehicles by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic has developed an action Plan to promote the use of wheeled vehicles with electric motors and the creation of charging infrastructure in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019-2020, approved on October 11, 2019 by order of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 385-r.

The Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic provides the following information on the implementation of the action Plan by state bodies:

Within the framework of the EAEU, a decision was made to zero the rates of import duties of the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) of the EAEU until 31.12.2021. A proposal has been made to the EAEU to extend the decision of applying a reduced single rate of import duties and taxes for electric vehicles imported by individuals for personal use until 2025, since after the expiration of this decision, the rates of import duties will be paid according to the CCT of the EAEU in the amount of 15% of the customs value.

A number of drafts of bylaws was developed aiming to regulate:

- the law of the Kyrgyz Republic "on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic on clean air and improving tax administration", in terms of VAT exemption for imported electric vehicles, as well as spare parts for charging infrastructure;

- the law of the Kyrgyz Republic "on automobile transport" introduces the definition of an electric car as an environmentally friendly analogue of a car with an electric motor that operates without the usual fuel for transport, using clean and renewable energy;

- the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (GKR) approved the Medium-term tariff policy (MTTP) for electric and thermal energy for 2020-2022. According to paragraph 3 of the Annex to the MTTP, an incentive tariff of 1.58 som per 1 kWh (excluding taxes) is set for urban electric transport and public electric vehicle charging stations;

- the amendments of the resolution of the GKR "on approval of Traffic code and the Main provisions on the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety", additional information signs (plates) for electric vehicles and hybrid transport are introduced.

a) plate indicating - for electric and hybrid vehicles that can be charged from an external source;

b) plate indicating 8.4.15 - "Except for the type of vehicle" indicating the electric vehicle plate.

The center for standardization and metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is working on the standardization of electric charging devices and the introduction of international standards IEC 61851 and IEC 62196 into the national system of standards, as well as the classification of electric charging stations by type.

Proposed location of the electric charging infrastructure within the city of Bishkek is being considered jointly with the Bishkek city hall.