Acting Prime Minister Artem Novikov: It is necessary to change the approach to the management of the FEZ


It is necessary to change the approach to the management of Free Economic Zones, to completely revise the mechanism and conditions of its work. This was stated by Acting Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Artem Novikov during a visit to the Free Economic Zone (FEZ) "Bishkek" on the territory of Ak-Chiy, Chui region.

"In fact, the FEZ has not become a place of accelerated economic development with an active industrial zone, but has become an ordinary territory, where only communications and the land on which it is located remain from the principles of the existence of the FEZ, "he said.

During the conversation with the subjects of FEZ was announced the problematic issues, including taxation of exports, lack of power, bureaucratic delays in obtaining permits, as well as barriers that arise when crossing borders with neighboring countries.

In turn Artem Novikov noted that the development of the SEZ as a driver of the economy is a priority for the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

"We see what opportunities are there of the FEZ. All the shortcomings in the legislation deprive investors of attractive conditions for investing in our country. Entrepreneurs should not be allowed to move their activities to other countries. We will take decisive action to create special conditions for businessmen. The time has come to reanimate the FEZ, " Artem Novikov stressed and gave instructions to present a new concept for the development of the FEZ by February 1, 2021, while paying special attention to the comprehensive solution of the existing problematic issues voiced by entrepreneurs.
