The National Statistical Committee has completed a meeting on the results of the activities of statistical bodies in 2020


Today, February 19, 2021, the National statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic held a meeting of the expanded Board of the NSC on the outcome of the statistical

The Kyrgyz Republic for 2020 and the tasks for 2021.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as heads of subordinate, regional and city departments of state statistics.

Chairman of the National Statistical Committee Akylbek Sultanov presented a report on the results of the work of the National Statistical Committee for 2020 and the upcoming tasks for 2021. He noted that in connection with the danger of the spread of coronavirus and declared a state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic, NSC March 25, 2020 has moved to remote work, however, despite this, the instructions of the President, the Parliament and the Government, decisions of the Board and orders NSC bodies of statistics of the Republic sung in a timely manner and in General, the statistical work Programme in 2020 are fully implemented.

"In accordance with the Program of statistical Work in 2020, more than 25 thousand tasks were performed in the National Statistical Committee system as a whole. statistical work prepared by 77 economic reports, about 130 of economic and statistical materials on various issues of development of economy and social sphere of the Republic and its regions, statistical compilations published the "Statistical Yearbook", "Kyrgyzstan in figures", "Small and average business", "Tourism in Kyrgyzstan", "Industry KR", "Agriculture KR", "the standard of living of the population KR", "Investments in the Kyrgyz Republic", "Finance companies KR", "Demographic Yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic", "Employment and unemployment" and the other" - said the Chairman.

It was also noted that the National Statistical Committee pays great attention to the dissemination of official data and increasing the number of users. Starting from October 2020, the press conferences on the results of the socio-economic development of the republic were resumed online, as well as a series of live broadcasts on Facebook social networks for the first time. It was emphasized that over the past year, the attendance of the official website of the National Statistical Committee increased by 1.6 times and the number of new users increased almost 2 times, which indicates an increase in public confidence in statistics.

As for the transition to electronic reporting, during 2020, work continued on the development of an automated information system "Statistics". Currently, 109 statistical reporting forms are collected electronically, or about 40 percent of their total volume.

One of the achievements of the National Statistical Committee in 2020, according to the head of the department, is the preparation and adoption of a National Voluntary Review on the progress of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. A SDG reporting platform has been developed, which hosts 102 global and 57 national indicators, as well as metadata for them.

At the end of his speech, Akylbek Sultanov focused on the goals and objectives for 2021, where the modernization of the statistical system occupies a large place.

"As you know, in June 2020, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic ratified the World Bank project" Modernization of tax administration and statistical system " in the amount of 35 million US dollars, the planned implementation period of which is from 2021 to 2025. The executive bodies are the State Tax Service and the National Statistical Committee. The project of the National Statistical Committee is aimed at improving the information technology infrastructure for the production and dissemination of timely, high - quality official statistics," the speaker stressed.

At the end of the event, an award ceremony was held for distinguished employees of the National Statistical Committee and territorial statistical bodies.
