Kyrgyzstan starts issuing labeling codes for light industry goods


The Kyrgyz Republic, represented by the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic and the operator of the national system for labeling goods in the Kyrgyz Republic, CJSC Alfa Telecom, has started issuing labeling codes for manufacturers and exporters of certain groups of light industry goods in the Kyrgyz Republic, supplying textile products to the Russian Federation. The issued marking codes are generated by the information system of the Russian Federation and are provided by CJSC Alfa Telecom within the framework of the inter-operator exchange.

What goods of the light industry are subject to labeling when exported to the Russian Federation?

  • garments, including work clothes, made of natural or composite leather (CNFEC-4203 10 000);
  • blouses, blouses and blouses, knitted or crocheted, for women or girls (CNFEC-6106);
  • coats, short coats, capes, raincoats, jackets (including ski jackets), windbreakers, windbreakers and similar items for men or boys (CNFEA-6201);
  • coats, short coats, capes, raincoats, jackets (including ski jackets), windbreakers, windbreakers and similar products for women or girls (CNFEA-6202);
  • bed linen, table linen, toilet and kitchen linen (СNFEA-6302).

How do I get the marking codes?

Manufacturers and exporters of certain groups of goods of the light industry of the Kyrgyz Republic supplying labeled goods to the Russian Federation before concluding an agreement with Alfa Telecom CJSC for the provision of services for the provision of labeling codes to participants in the turnover of textile products must join the GS1 Kyrgyzstan Subject Numbering Association to obtain GTIN codes ... Agreements with CJSC Alfa Telecom can be concluded at the Public Service Centers and you can get access to the system in which the marking codes are ordered, their application to the goods and their shipment are registered.

Service center addresses for the conclusion of contracts:


  • microdistrict "Vostok-5", Chui avenue, 32 / b, near the shopping center "Izumrud";
  • Kozhevennaya street, market "Dordoi", 15 passage, container No. 60-61 ("World of footwear");
  • Chui Avenue, 204, TC "Bereket Grand", 0 floor;
  • Aitmatova Avenue, 3, Asia Mall, floor 0;


  • Masaliev Avenue, 2 (landmark - Kanykei monument);


  • Bakiev street without number (reference point - boarding school named after K. Zhakypov).

What is the cost of the code?

The cost of the marking code in the Russian Federation was approved by the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 577 of May 8, 2019 and is 60 Russian kopecks including VAT. Payment is made in Kyrgyz soms at the rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Additional information on product labeling can be found on the official website of the Teksher system:, as well as at 0 999 333 999.