The Minister of Economy, S. Mukanbetov, took part in a webinar regarding the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has analyzed the potential impact of COVID-19 on Central Asian countries to support Central Asian governments. They have examined the countries’ strengths and weaknesses and expressed a desire to share OECD countries' experiences with Central Asian countries in relevant areas, looking to help them in the development of anti-crisis policy measures.

The OECD leaders met with the senior public officials in the fields of economic and foreign affairs from Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan via a video conference on June 10, 2020.

In this webinar, they discussed the initial results of the work that was being carried out by the OECD in the current crisis. This was considered an opportunity to exchange useful experiences in areas such as taxation and monetary policy, as well as employment and education, and to plan a more coordinated regional course for economic recovery.

The Minister of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sanzhar Mukanbetov, also attended the videoconference and discussed the most current issues concerning the economy during the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

During the discussion, reports of the ministers of economies of the countries of Central Asia, including the Kyrgyz Republic, were heard. S. Mukanbetov noted the achievements in the field of digitalization of the economy using information technologies and their active implementation in the private sector.

The parties were informed that the ministry of economy had taken steps in advance to prevent destabilization of the economic situation, and an action plan was developed to support business and economic stability amid the spread of COVID-19.

In summing up, the participants expressed hope for closer cooperation and an intention to use the videoconferencing format in the future for effective and productive dialogue for solving regionall economic problems.
