I would like to pass on my experience to students


Head of the procurement department of KSTU named after I. Razzakova, Bakyta Chomoeva held a procurement seminar for 4th year logistics students.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such seminars with experienced practitioners to train future procurement specialists. The material is easier for students to assimilate, when the theoretical part is supported by comments from practitioners, students begin to notice accents and more comprehensively understand the essence of the discipline being studied. Bakyta Chomoeva told the students about the practical cases that she encountered in the course of her work and about the effective algorithms for the work of a successful procurement specialists. At the head of effective procurement, she put - procurement planning and defined planning as - the basis for successful procurement and gave several examples from her practice. Further, the seminar only increased the dynamics, since discussions began on topics related to the formation of tender bids, the qualification selection of suppliers, about the peculiarities of the work of tender commissions and about unreliable suppliers. We also talked in detail about the issues of drawing up a technical specification and meeting the needs of internal consumers.

Unfortunately, the participants did not have time to discuss all the planned issues within the framework of one seminar, but agreed to discuss them at the next practical seminars with the participation of Bakyta.