The transition to a system of market relations has radically changed the conditions for the development of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the field of state development, the priority has been to ensure the sustainable development of the state based on the rational use of public procurement, which is an ...
Ulugbek Ibraimovich met with the rector of KSTU - Mirlan Koychubekovich Chynybaev, then visited the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory (PPLO). Ulugbek Ibraimovich also held a meeting with the director of the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory, head of the Department of Logistics ...
Hello, my dear friends! In May of this year, as part of a project organized by the United States Embassy, I obtained a five-year visa to attend the University of Kettering, near Chicago and Detroit, Michigan. An engineer named Kettering designed a car starter and founded a university. You can learn ...
The law was adopted by the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on April 6, 2022.
The law is aimed at simplifying the procedure of Public procurement and minimizing corruption. It provides for the purchase of 4 methods, such as unlimited, restricted, request quotes and method from one source.
In ...
Parliamentary hearings on the draft law "On Public Procurement", organized by the Committee on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, are held on April 4.
Speaking at the hearing, Deputy Finance Minister Ulugbek Kalendarov noted that the bill is designed ...
On March 19, a cycle of training scientific seminars for PhD doctoral students, graduate students, young scientists began, organized by the Doctoral School of KSTU named after. I. Razzakov.
The first seminar on the concept and content of the PhD dissertation was held by Prof., Dr. Denny J. Cho ...
This project aims to create the basis for innovative business incubation centers and a corresponding modern curriculum. UniCEN accumulates experience in strategic planning, management, policy and practice of teachers, student mobility, curriculum development and alumni relations, which contributes ...
In one of our past posts, we shared with you the good news of a new opportunity to pursue a PhD in Logistics. Now we want to introduce you to our doctoral students and their professional and scientific plans. Today we will talk about Avaz Kazakov. It is in the direction of transportation of medical ...
New Year is not just the beginning of a new calendar, it is new hopes, successes, victories. We look to tomorrow with confidence and we have every reason for optimism - clear and concrete development plans, real opportunities for their implementation! Reliability, stability and prosperity are the ...
Head of the procurement department of KSTU named after I. Razzakova, Bakyta Chomoeva held a procurement seminar for 4th year logistics students.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such seminars with experienced practitioners to train future procurement specialists. The material is ...
On December 2, 2021, 4th year students of the Department of Logistics of KSTU named after I. Razzakova conducted a tour of the office of the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARIS), which are involved in attracting investments to overcome poverty in Kyrgyzstan. The ...
November 18, at the Kyrgyz State Technical University took place a meeting of logistics students with Elena Vitalievna Shadrina. Elena Vitalievna is a talented researcher and teacher, currently holding the position of Deputy Director of the National Research University Higher School of ...
The department successfully trained bachelors and masters in the field of logistics, since October 2021, the Doctoral School of KSTU named after I. Razzakov began educate PhD doctors in logistics.
The field of professional activity of a modern logistician is not only well-known to all types of ...
In 2021, 42 bachelors and 8 masters of the "Logistics" direction of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov have successfully completed their final papers. Of the 50 students, 43 were rated excellent, 7 - a good. Procurement Logistics students have also submitted excellent ...
September 24 - 25, Director of the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory (PPLO) Akylbek Umetaliev, in order to expand international cooperation and exchange of experience, at the invitation of the Institute of Supply Management, India (ISM-INDIA) took part in an event called “International ...
On September 15, a new academic year began and we, the Department of Logistics, are pleased to inform you that this year we've received 33 gifted students.
The guys chose the relevant and demanded directions: procurement and transport logistics.
The owner of the Gold Certificate Akylbekova ...
On July 1-2, 2021, the First Bishkek Forum on Logistics "Development of Resource-Efficient Production Logistics" was held at the Department of Logistics at the KSTU named after I. Razzakov in honor of the 10th anniversary. The purpose of the First Bishkek Forum is to strengthen international ...
On June 8, 2021, the Ministry, as part of the implementation of the human resources development project for food laboratories to improve the quality of milk and dairy products, signed on September 20, 2018, between the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Japan International ...
The State Customs Service under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic invites all interested parties to participate in a tender for a public-private partnership project "Financing, design, construction and operation of a customs and logistics complex in At-Bashi district of ...
Over the past five years, the share of mutual trade with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in the republic's foreign trade turnover has grown from 37 percent in 2016 to 43 percent in 2020
At the same time, if in 2017 and 2018 foreign trade turnover increased by more than 16 percent ...