In the rating of readiness for online shopping, the Kyrgyz Republic took 97th place Kyrgyzstan in 2020 ranked 97th out of 152 countries in the UNCTAD B2C E-Commerce Index. This is stated in the study.
The e-commerce index assesses readiness for online shopping based on four indicators: Internet ...
The State Agency for Antimonopoly Regulation has set maximum retail markups to the wholesale selling price for sunflower oil and granulated sugar. This was reported in the press service of the department.
The state agency recalled that on May 4, 2021, a government decree was issued on the ...
The Kyrgyz Republic, represented by the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic and the operator of the national system for labeling goods in the Kyrgyz Republic, CJSC Alfa Telecom, has started issuing labeling codes for manufacturers and exporters of ...
The world's largest e-commerce company, Amazon, has opened the possibility of direct registration for manufacturers of goods from Kyrgyzstan. This has reported on the company's website.
To register, you must provide a copy of your passport, a valid credit card, bank account, phone number, ...
The Kyrgyz Republic from 18 to 20 May 2021 at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva presented its Third Trade Policy Review (TPR) report.
In connection with the epidemiological situation, this year the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic, consisting of representatives of key ...
On May 14, 2021, under the chair of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Zhyldyz Bakashova, an off-site meeting has held to discuss the Road map for a new conceptual model for the development of the educational process "University 4.0".
The meeting has held at the ...
April 28, 2021 at the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory (PPLO) of the Logistics Department of the KSTI at the KSTU named after I. Razzakov hosted a webinar on the topic: "Improving market mechanisms in public procurement."
The webinar was conducted by Gulnur Shirdakova, Procurement ...
On April 15, 2021, the Department of Logistics, KSTU named after I. Razzakova, as part of teachers and undergraduates, at the invitation of the conference organizer, the University of Miskolc (Hungary), took part in a scientific conference called "Logistics 4.0".
The conference began at 9:00 am ...
The decision has made in order to stabilize the EAEU sugar market, according to the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
According to the EEC Minister for Trade Andrei Slepnev, the EEC Board, together with the Union states, will monthly check the actual volume of sugar imports with the use ...
On April 23, Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbayev met with Deputy Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Vladimir Rakhmanin.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, the issue of launching a joint project ...
The draft amendments provide for the harmonization of the requirements of the technical regulation with the requirements of European directives aimed at limiting the use of disposable polymer products.
The planned date for the completion of the public discussion of the draft changes is June 23, ...
Currently, the tax policy of the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the fastest growing areas of the state. In this regard, given the pace of development of modern international business processes, the Tax Code is of particular importance, which is a socially significant tool for the successful ...
6 April, 2021 at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, was conducted V International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Chair «Logistics» of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute on the topic: «Logistics Centers - Drivers of ...
On March 11, 2021, a Session was held on the Application of Behavioral Science in Public Procurement. The session was organized by the World Bank Group. The session was attended by: Krish Krishnakumar, Manager of the World Bank's Global Practice for Europe and Central Asia, Procurement Solutions ...
Within the framework of the World Bank project in KSTU named after I. Razzakov, on March 11, a meeting was held with the rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, Chynybaev M.K., director of the Training Center of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic, Turdumambetova E.D., head ...
On February 3-4, 2021, AIMA (All India Management Association), which has over 38,000 members and about 6,000 corporate and institutional organizations, held the 6th Global Procurement Summit 2021 in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, World Bank and Asian Development ...
10 domestic companies will take part in the virtual mini-exhibition CAVEX, and the investment potential of the Kyrgyz Republic will be presented. This is reported on the website of the investment portal of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The exhibition will be held within the framework of the exhibition ...
PPP will be used to improve the agro-industrial complex, in this regard, it is planned to intensify work in promoting PPP projects. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
To promote public-private partnership mechanisms in the agro-industrial sector, ...