Warehouse management, handling and storage

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Azhibaev Elaman Erkinovich

Annotation. This article will focus on managing the logistics process in a warehouse. The logistics process in the warehouse is complex and involves high labor and cost. It requires full coordination of the functions of supplying stocks, handling cargo and fulfilling orders. The efficiency and reliability of the functioning of the enterprise, acting as an integrated element of the system, depends on the accurate work of the warehouse. A special place should be given to solving the main problems of the unit in order to optimize costs. Analysis of the efficiency of the warehousing should be carried out with the help of estimated indicators, paying attention to the storage potential.

Keywords: management, warehouse, costs, enterprises, cargo flow, warehouse systems, logistics systems.

The organization of the warehouse economy and its improvement is a complex task that contains a large number of variables represented by different participants in the processes that occur during the activities of the warehouse economy, the efficiency of which depends on the efficiency and well-being of the entire warehouse economy. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to optimize the activities of participants in the warehouse process to achieve their goals, as well as their use of the warehouse infrastructure.

The right approach to the warehouse, not only as a room, will reduce production costs: transport, financial, human, temporary, which can definitely increase profitability.

Having a reliable warehouse management system is essential for the success of manufacturers. There are four tools that will help optimize the warehouse management system:

  1. Warehouse layout
  2. Automatic re-order points
  3. Supply Chain Management
  4. Barcode scanning

All these things build on each other to create an environment in which producers can thrive.

Warehouse layout. One of the biggest delays in the production process is often the amount of time it takes to collect all the raw materials and supplies scattered throughout the warehouse. Everything in the specification must be at hand and ready to work in order to start production of a certain product. Therefore, if it is possible to reduce the number of man-hours spent on collecting orders, you can really increase your efficiency.

Tools for optimizing production warehouse management:

Change the layout of the warehouse so that goods that are often used together are located next to each other in the same aisle and on the same shelf. Keep in mind that not every combination will be obvious (for example, nails and wooden boards). Some of them can be quite anachronistic (for example, French fries and ice cream). A computerized warehouse management system will help to uncover these combinations.

Place frequently used items closer to the work area and the receiving compartment. This saves time both on acceptance and on production.

Map out your picking path on a barcode scanner or other mobile device so that you can go through your warehouse once, and so that you don't have to go back and perform the same rounds over and over again.

Automatic re-order points. A well—planned warehouse layout is a great idea, but it won't do much good if that warehouse doesn't have the necessary number of parts to facilitate production. Having too few items in stock will lead to shortages and delays, and having too many will lead to unreasonably high storage costs and a cramped and cluttered warehouse. Automatic re-order points are useful tools to maintain stock balance in each warehouse. When the quantity of a certain item in the inventory reaches a low level, the warehouse management system notifies that it is time to re-order this item. If there is a really good system, it can even suggest the right quantity for a repeat order based on historical sales trends, lead times and other data.

Supply chain management. Just as the efficiency of the warehouse layout depends on the availability of the necessary inventory, automatic re-order points assume the presence of a supply chain management system. It is important for manufacturers to maintain good relations with their suppliers or consumers. Getting favorable payment terms can have a big impact on cash flow. In addition, they should monitor the performance of their suppliers over time to see if the supplier receives orders accurately and on time.

A good way to keep track of all this is to use a warehouse management system that allows you to track the movement of products, integrate with your accounting solution, and set default suppliers for all your parts and products.

Barcode scanning

I briefly mentioned barcode scanners in the section "Warehouse Layout", and now let's delve into why these tools are so important in production. A small barcode scanner does two big things:

  • Increase efficiency
  • Reduce the number of errors

Scanning barcodes to select materials, re-order goods and receive goods to the warehouse significantly speeds up these processes than trying to print them manually or write them on a piece of paper. Warehouse workers can do much more in the same time if they are not bound by outdated methods.

In addition, they avoid a lot of potentially costly data entry errors. Even the best typist makes typos on the keyboard from time to time. Specifying just one wrong digit in the identification number or quantity of the product can have disastrous consequences. Barcode scanners minimize these typos by automatically filling in the correct information when scanning the barcode. There is very little input, and the information is instantly updated in the warehouse management system, so every worker and manager can stay on the same page.

A warehouse management system is a means by which manufacturers track their inventory. It should contain four key elements to maximize the use of the manufacturer's resources:

  • Warehouse layout
  • Automatic re-order points
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Barcode scanning

Conclusion: Planning and maintaining a warehouse management system using excellent layout, automatic re-order points, supply chains and barcode scanners is a great boon for production. These tools allow you to move faster, save money and ensure the accuracy of inventory data at every stage of production.

List of literature

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Azhibaev Elaman Erkinovich, student, I.Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, 66 Ch.Aitmatov Ave., Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyz Republic.

Mukhtarbekova Rasita Mukhtarbekovna, teacher, I.Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, 720044, 66 Ch.Aitmatov Ave., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.