The criterion of competence of public procurement specialists

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Cholponkul kyzy Akmaral

Annotation: this article discusses the criterion of competence and qualification requirements for a specialist in the field of public procurement.

Keywords: public procurement, procurement of goods, works, services, specialist, state and municipal needs, qualification, professional competence, training, training.

Introduction. Public procurement is an important area of economic activity where significant amounts of consolidated budget funds are spent . This type of activity requires a procurement specialist to have versatile knowledge and competencies in various fields of activity - macro and microeconomics , marketing , law ( including the provisions of legislation on the supply of goods , the performance of works , the provision of services that are the subject of a tender or other type of procurement procedure and the basics of labor legislation ). A public procurement specialist should have the skills and be able to draw up annual procurement plans, prepare procurement assignments or competitive lists, depending on the type of procurement procedure, negotiate, organize and conduct pre-contractual and claim work, tenders, and conclude contracts.

Participation in public procurement involves the ability to work freely on the official website and electronic trading platforms . Qualification characteristics of the position of the employee " Public Procurement Specialist in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was developed in accordance with the requirements for conducting public procurement procedures for goods ( works , services ) on a competitive basis , established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan dated April 3 , 2015 No. 72 " On Public procurement "

The criteria for the competence of a specialist in the subject area of the standard include the necessary professional training, a sufficient level of knowledge and practical skills. In turn, the necessary professional training includes the availability of higher education, experience in scientific and practical activities, the mandatory availability of a document on retraining or advanced training in the field of public procurement. Verification of compliance with the criterion of necessary professional training is carried out on the basis of the documents submitted by the applicant.

By testing, interviewing and preparing draft documents in accordance with the task, the level of knowledge and practical skills of the applicant is checked.

Based on the verification of compliance with the standard of competence of specialists in the field of procurement, applicants are awarded quality certificates in one of two subject areas:

  1. procurement for state and municipal needs;
  2. procurement by certain types of legal entities.

The main objective of the professional activity of a specialist in the field of public procurement should be to increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds in procurement, the quality of goods, works and services provided for public needs, professional level, competitiveness and motivation of personnel. In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, training of specialists should be carried out at all levels of professional training, namely in the system of secondary vocational and higher education, in order to meet the need for positions and jobs of different skill levels.

A specialist in the field of public procurement must possess:

  • knowledge of the regulatory and legal regulation of procurement activities;
  • skills in planning, organizing, implementing and controlling purchases, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of procurement activities;
  • experience in performing professional functions: preparation of procurement documentation, monitoring, examination of goods, documents, etc.

The demand of the market for the training of specialists in the field of public procurement creates the need to train qualified teaching staff with the necessary level of qualification and competence.


Based on the above, it can be argued that the field of public procurement needs qualified personnel. Specialists in this field are obliged to maintain and improve the level of their qualifications and professional education by studying at advanced training courses or professional retraining. This may be an incentive to develop and offer an appropriate educational product – an educational program. The educational training program of a specialist in the field of public procurement must meet the established requirements of the educational and professional standard.