Improvement of modern logistics in the field of tourism

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Beck Victoria

Abstract: this article discusses the improvement of modern logistics in the field of tourism.

Keywords: logistics, tourism, transport, route.

Currently, the development of logistics processes and technologies has covered various areas of production, economic, social and economic activities, as well as the use of logistics in the field of tourism product circulation.

It should be noted that tourism should be approached as a separate large and independent economic complex of the national economy, since this sphere unites different industries, covering a certain wide space that includes enterprises and firms of various industries. Tourists, in turn, fall into the role of buyers, where everyone strives to satisfy all their needs during their holidays by virtue of their capabilities. Paying for services, goods and various tourist works, the demand for travel by tourists is formed and, therefore, the industry itself is financed in this way.

In the context of growing globalization, the world tourism industry is of priority interest and great prospects for the Kyrgyz Republic. Using the unique potential of nature and cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan, it is necessary to integrate harmoniously into the tourism industry of the world economy and achieve intensive development of tourism in the republic, ensuring steady growth of employment and income of the population, stimulating the development of tourism-related industries and increasing the inflow of foreign investment into the economy.

The steady growth of the influence of tourism both on the world economy as a whole and on the economy of individual countries and regions is one of the most significant, permanent and long-term trends that accompanies the formation and development of the world economy. It is becoming obvious that tourism is becoming a large independent branch of the national economy, whose activities are aimed at meeting the specific needs of the population. The diversity of these needs is met not only by tourism enterprises, but also by enterprises of other industries, which determines the importance of tourism as one of the factors of multiplicative impact on the development of the economy. Tourism is one of the factors of global integration processes, and the tourism business is now becoming a significant sector of the economy.

The Kyrgyz Republic has the necessary initial prerequisites for the development of a viable tourism industry. Today, when widespread interest in untouched places and adventure tourism is growing in the world, Kyrgyzstan can take a worthy place in the world tourism market.

The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the center of Eurasia, at the junction of promising aviation, transport and economic arteries between Europe and Asia, North and South. The main task in this area is to make the republic accessible to foreign tourists by establishing direct international air links, for which it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, including: to create conditions for the functioning of competitive airlines in the air transportation market, to improve flight safety and the quality of passenger service.

In tourism, logistics is understood as: the organization of the movement of tourist flows on the basis of competent management of material and information flows; rational organization of the development of a new product and its distribution. The task of logistics is to minimize the costs of bringing the product to the consumer. At the same time, much attention should be paid to advertising logistics. It is necessary to clearly identify the areas of advertising activity, priority advertising methods, marketing research based on statistical data. All systems should work to reduce costs and ensure the quality of tourist products. For the best functioning of logistics in the company, a system of specific questions is used in each situation, i.e. certain tasks are set. In addition to the above, logistics links the tasks of quality and safety with legal responsibility. When performing any task set by the firm, there is a constant process of linking this task with the legal basis.

The logistics system (LS) of a travel company is an adaptive system in which the elements are the divisions of the enterprise that perform the functions of optimizing the movement of service flows and the flow of tourists. One of the main ways of intensive development of domestic and inbound tourism is to improve the quality of service in the practical activities of all organizations of the tourism industry.

The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the center of Eurasia, at the junction of promising aviation, transport and economic arteries between Europe and Asia, North and South. The main task in this area is to make the republic accessible to foreign tourists by establishing direct international air links, for which it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, including: to create conditions for the functioning of competitive airlines in the air transportation market, to improve flight safety and the quality of passenger service.

To ensure a high quality of tourist service, it is necessary to equip these highways accordingly, improve the quality of the roadway, increase the safety of highways, equip the routes with signs and information boards in foreign languages, etc. The construction of essential road service facilities (roadside hotels, paid parking lots, catering facilities and other recreation and entertainment facilities) is of great importance. To date, the expansion of the tourism sector directly depends on the use of logistics technologies that minimize transport costs, deliver passengers and cargo on time and safely, and minimize damage en route.

It should be noted that tourism should be approached as a separate large and independent economic complex of the national economy, since this sphere unites different industries, covering a certain wide space that includes enterprises and firms of various industries. Tourists, in turn, fall into the role of buyers, where everyone strives to satisfy all their needs during their holidays by virtue of their capabilities. Paying for services, goods and various tourist works, the demand for travel by tourists is formed and, therefore, the industry itself is financed in this way. As for tourism within the country, one of the urgent problems is the provision of the transport component. This problem applies to air traffic, rail, as well as automobile traffic and road construction. Due to the low level of organization of air flows within the country, which in comparison with international transportation is one of the main factors that limits the development of tourism in the regions of the country. Solving these problems will attach great importance to the development of tourism within the country.

List of used literature:

  2. Yankovenko V.A. "Logistics in tourism".
  3. Konchenkova A.I. "Science today: theoretical and practical aspects".