"Institutionalization of the procedure for concluding a framework agreement within the framework of public procurement" (on the example of the activities of the supply and public procurement department at the KNU named after J. Balasagyn)

2002 | 0 | 5
Duishaeva Meerim


In order to improve the institutional framework of public procurement in terms of the procedures for framework agreements, it is proposed to envisage, along with closed framework agreements with competition at the second stage, also closed framework agreements with competition at the second stage (most effective for centralized procurement and for procurement, the need for which arises on an urgent basis), as well as open framework agreements.

It is also recommended to improve the functionality of the framework agreement procedures on the public procurement portal, so the functionality available today does not facilitate the application of framework agreement procedures in practice, including practical public procurement of Kyrgyz National University.



Chapter 1. Analysis of the university's public procurement system

  • 1.1 The public procurement system of the institution
  • 1.2 Analysis of the structure of the category of purchasing resources
  • 1.3 Analysis of the method of public procurement

Chapter 2. Procedures of the framework agreement in the public procurement system

  • 2.1 Classification of framework agreement procedures
  • 2.2 Institutional framework for framework agreement procedures in the system public procurement
  • 2.3 Role and methods of framework agreement procedures in the system of government procurement institution

Chapter 3. Improving Framework Agreement Procedures

  • 3.1 Methodology for applying framework agreement procedures in the system public procurement institutions
  • 3.2 Improvements to the framework agreement procedures on the portal public procurement
  • 3.3 Recommendations for improving the institutional framework for procedures framework agreements

