Procurement logistics: the impact of supplier selection on the efficiency of the supply chain

1978 | 0 | 14
Kalieva Ayan Askatovna

International procurement practice shows that companies that accept the logistics concept and build their strategy on its basis have the best indicator, reflecting the ratio of profit received from the sale of goods or services to the invested capital. Procurement logistics affects the costs associated with the sale of the organization's finished products.

The policy of government procurement can contribute to solution key tasks of priority directions the national socio-economic policy. For example, support for small and medium enterprises, certain regions, sensitive groups of the population, environmental protection. At the same time, the objectives of economic policy may not always be consistent with rational guidelines for the management of government contracts, which mainly include ensuring competition through tendering and procuring goods with the best price-quality ratio. Thus, the policy of supporting national suppliers through price preferences violates these principles, but can be justified from the point of view of industrial policy. With regard to foreign suppliers, each country establishes an access regime, which often has significant restrictions. In an environment where import tariff rates have been significantly reduced and continue to decline, public procurement remains one of the key impetuses for further liberalization of international trade. Thus, two opposite trends are currently developing in the field of foreign trade regulation of the state order sphere - protectionism and liberalization of access for foreign companies. The latter is expressed not only in the formation and development of regulatory instruments at the multilateral level within the framework of the WTO Public Procurement Agreement, but also in the penetration of similar processes at the regional level due to the need to identify and use additional sources of growth and intensify foreign economic cooperation. The first trend is expressed in the fact that many countries use public procurement as a non-tariff barrier in international trade.

Author: bachelor student Kalieva Ayan Askatovna

Scientific adviser: Prof. Umetaliev A.S.

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