"State and prospects for the development of electronic procurement in the Kyrgyz Republic"

2330 | 0 | 13
Isaeva Anastasia


Based on the analysis of the summary data on the conducted public procurement procedures in terms of methods for 2017, it is necessary:

  • 1) Revise the law "On public procurement" for the possible permission of purchases up to 30 thousand. catfish through the electronic catalog.
  • 2) On the basis of the electronic portal, it is possible to create an electronic catalog, with fixed constantly updated prices for goods and services, for the conduct of small purchases without announcing a tender. Thus, procurement times and costs are reduced.
  • 3) Regular updating of the database of domestic and foreign suppliers (contractors) and the database of unreliable (unscrupulous) suppliers (contractors) with publication on the portal. In this way, supplier confidence and competitiveness will increase.
  • 4) Qualified training is required for external and internal audit of public procurement.



Chapter 1. International experience in the formation of the electronic public procurement system

  • 1.1 Preconditions for the development of electronic procurement
  • 1.2 Formation of the system of electronic public procurement in the world

Chapter 2. Electronic public procurement systems in the Kyrgyz Republic

  • 2.1 Formation and development of electronic public procurement Kyrgyzstan
  • 2.2 Public procurement regulatory framework and process electronization
  • 2.3 The state of electronic public procurement and their prospects development

Chapter 3. Improving the e-procurement system

  • 3.1 Institutional aspects of improving electronic public procurement
  • 3.2 Technical aspects of improving the electronic portal

