Fruit value chain

3763 | 0 | 13


This paper examines to get a clear picture about the status quo of fruit distribution, to identify current drawbacks, also to develop and to implement an end-to-end distribution system, covering the total value chain from the local farmer in the countryside, through regional consolidation points, through consolidation centers in the oblast up to the export preparation and processing. The study encompasses a conceptual framework for stepwise restructuring and transition to an efficient and responsive fruit value chain, tasks and milestones for implementation, accordingly apply following methods: interviews, document analysis, business process modeling techniques, all classical methods weak points analysis, requirement documentation techniques, workshops, network optimization models, facility locations models, transport optimization models, information flow optimization models and use-value analysis.

  • Increasing the export volume of fruits – increasing foreign exchange revenue
  • Ensuring food quality standards through the total production and distribution network
  • Increasing the efficiency of the total production and distribution network
  • Increasing value generation by integrating addition production processes and logistics services
  • Based upon the increase in quantities, quality, efficiency and value generation: Increasing profitability und income throughout the total distribution and production network: from exporters and distributors to the farmers in the countryside
  • Direct contribution to fighting poverty, especially for people in the countryside

JEL codes: F 18