"Application of models in procurement planning" (on the example of ARIS)

2128 | 0 | 11
Zamirbek kyzy Zhanylysh


The procurement positioning model is a tool for determining the importance of purchased goods, taking into account the following data:

  • • Level of expenditures for the purchase of goods
  • • Impact of goods on the organization
  • • Opportunities and risks when purchasing goods

The procurement positioning model allows you to prioritize supplier evaluations, helps define procurement methods and the level of responsibility of the procurement department.



Chapter 1. Methodology for applying models in procurement planning

  • 1.1 General concepts and characteristics of the procurement of goods, works and services
  • 1.2 Forms of models when developing a procurement plan

Chapter 2. Analysis of the applied procurement planning models in ARIS

  • 2.1 Activities of the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 2.2 Analysis of tenders in AIRS on the basis of the chosen model

Chapter 3. Efficiency and improvement of applied models

  • 3.1 The essence and importance of public procurement
  • 3.2 Improvement of the public procurement system

