"Procurement of goods applying logistics tools " (on the example of ARIS)

1936 | 0 | 14
Kasymbekov Daniyar


Each person buying a product is guided by two basic rules: low price and good quality.

The choice of the best purchase option depends on the satisfaction of the needs for goods, receipt of the goods in full and within an acceptable time frame.

Purchase (Procurement) even during the times of the Great Roman Empire was one of the most important functions of providing numerous warriors-legions with all the necessary goods, from provisions to weapons, lay on the shoulders of buyers.



Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of procurement of goods

  • 1.1 The main goals and objectives of the procurement of goods
  • 1.2 Principles of procurement of goods
  • 1.3 Methods of purchasing goods by means of tenders (tender)

Chapter 2. Activities and tender process of the Community Development and Investment Agency

  • 2.1 Activities of the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 2.2 The tender process for the procurement of goods on the example of the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 2.3 Procurement of goods on the example of the Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic

Chapter 3. The main problems of tenders (tenders) and ways to resolve them

  • 3.1 Main factors of unfair procurement
  • 3.2 Training, professional development of buyers
  • 3.3 Resolution of conflict situations
  • 3.4 Information technology in the procurement system

