Logistics and me

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Bungalow Arseniy

I want to start with the concept of logistics, but I will not give an exact formulation, because there are a huge variety of formulations and I can not choose one for myself. So I will try to say it in my own words. Logistics is an integral part of the modern world, wherever you look, it is everywhere. When I first started studying in this profession, my lecturer said one thing about logistics that I remember very much. He said that logistics is like a motor in a car, if it is not there-the car does not move.

Why did I choose to study logistics ? I believe that this profession is very interesting to study, because while studying logistics, you simultaneously acquire many other skills (such as IT, communication, etc.), which will greatly help you both in life and in work. Another huge plus of this profession is that you are not tied to any place that your work depends on, and you can safely work remotely, even while in another country.

In our country, logistics is just beginning to develop and this is a very good opportunity to show yourself and leave your mark on this culture.

In the conditions of the modern market, firms are increasingly focused on the consumer, which is manifested in their desire to meet the possible needs of consumers. For a particular consumer, a high level of quality of a particular product or service means that there is a combination of consumer properties that meets their needs. One of these important properties is the cost of a good or service, which largely depends on the costs associated with various operations and works.

Who do I see myself as in the future?

I have never liked this question, but I will try to give a constructive answer. I do not like to think ahead and I can not say that I have some kind of dream, as for me dreams will never come true, but goals, goals – this is another matter. Yes, I can say that I have goals in life, and there are quite a lot of them. Namely, the goals that are associated with my future work are not so many. I want, of course, to get a good job with a decent salary, and even more I want to create something of my own and develop it as much as possible, and most importantly, I want people to need what I will do. I want to help society in some way.

The modern world is a world of a globalizing economy with increased competition in markets and more complex flows of information, goods and services, people and capital. Most companies are faced with increasing uncertainty of the external environment and the reduction of the life cycle of their production. To be competitive, they need to meet customer needs quickly and efficiently, be flexible and innovative. This requires a well-established interaction of business processes.

Logistics and supply chain management include the processes of analysis, forecasting and planning, implementation and coordination of the rational movement of goods, services, financial and information flows in the supply chain in order to best meet the needs of the customer.

That is why logistics is and will continue to be one of the most popular professions in the modern world for a long time.