The role of logistics in my future profession

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Malika Ulanbek

There are quite a few such professions. But the main thing is that it is not enough to choose the right areas of activity, you have to study hard and master the basics of the profession, striving for real professionalism in your field. And so, I chose and studied different professions for a long time, and ultimately chose the profession - food technologist. This profession is not only in demand but also interesting. But in order to become a good technologist, you need to master a lot of knowledge and skills. A technologist must be versatile, know not only different sciences related to the technology of product production, but must be creative, be able to talk with people, and have leadership qualities, that is to know logistics! If we consider the role of logistics in production, then everyone will unanimously say that its role is enormous for the growth and development of production, because any production process at food processing enterprises begins with the acquisition of raw materials and material resources, which means from logistics.

Logistics is the art of managing, planning, and also the ability to optimize production. Logistics in food production can contribute to strengthening the financial independence of an enterprise, improving management methods, and on the other hand, sustainable functioning. Meanwhile, the activities of food enterprises contribute to the solution of both economic and social problems to meet the needs of the population.

At the enterprise level, the logistics system can supply and timely supply the production processes with the necessary resources. The implementation of this task is impossible without the activities of the industries of the production infrastructure: material and technical support, procurement, transport, communications, information industry, connects all links of the technological process, becomes an intermediary in the interaction of the manufacturer and the consumer, also provides storage and warehousing of production products.

The effect of logistics is manifested in a high level of organization of production, which results in the saving of material and financial resources. These savings are reflected in the form of changes in indicators such as inventory levels, cycle times, capacity utilization rates, etc.

In the modern world, people dream of a profession that brings joy, pleasure and decent pay.