The role of logistics in my profession

2013 | 0
Muratbekova Gulzhamal

In a modern society, where technological progress is in tandem with time, where changes are taking place in all spheres of life, it is necessary to have a modern and in-demand profession.

The choice of my profession was not a spontaneous decision, because in this stream of development, many professions began to lose their relevance. In addition, after weighing it, I chose the profession of a technologist, a canning technologist.

The health of a person, and of the entire population, depends on the food consumed, on its benefits and harms. The work of a technologist includes a range of works on which the quality and safety of manufactured products depends. After technological processes, logistics takes an important place.

Indeed, in order for our production to be profitable and in demand in the market, a good logistics system has needed. It is one of the important tools in improving the work of the enterprise.

Since it directly interacts with the consumer.

Logistics in general terms is the planning, implementation and control of technological and economic processes of moving finished products from the manufacturer to the consumer.

It turns out that after the quality of the product itself, it is the logistics system that follows, because it is system that ensures production with minimal costs, but with maximum profit.

Competitiveness in the market directly depends on the system of logistic servicing of consumer orders.

She must be aware of new market demands and try to match the desires of consumers as much as possible.

Besides all this, the main goal of the logistics system is the safe delivery of products in a short time, on time and at the lowest cost.

All these factors prove to us that the role of logistics in food production is very important.

It is a strong bridge between producer and consumer.

Without a good logistics system, without a well-thought-out plan, it will be extremely difficult to break through in today's market.

The successful functioning of the enterprise, its profitability, competitiveness and stable position in the market, all this is the result of a good work of the logistics system.

Moreover, all this is an irrefutable proof of the importance of logistics in my profession. In addition, in the future, when I become a certified specialist and go to an enterprise, I will definitely focus on the logistics system. Since she will determine the demand for my products in the market.