Operation of the procurement activity in enterprise

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The textbook intended for studying the principles, legal framework and institutional schemes of public procurement of goods, works and services. Mastering the knowledge and practical recommendations set out in the training manual allows you to effectively manage the process of public procurement. Purchasing activity of the enterprise as an integral part of the commercial activity of the enterprise provides for the solution of strategic and managerial issues. Operational and administrative tasks when organizing purchases of goods, works, and services. Therefore, this discipline has various degrees of connection with training courses in management, marketing, Economics, law and engineering and technical areas and is based on these disciplines. Given the strategic importance and complexity of procurement, which requires a comprehensive approach based on the above-mentioned disciplines, this discipline should be studied by senior students and specialists with appropriate training.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialties "logistics", "Economics and management of the enterprise", "Commercial activity of the enterprise", other economic and managerial specialties, for students of business courses, consultants and experts who participate in the process of state purchases of goods, works and services.