Why did I choose Logistics?

1973 | 0
Kostrubov Davyd

Many of us have been thinking about choosing a profession since childhood. We like famous people and we want to be like them. We imagine ourselves as a doctor or a famous journalist, lawyer or a popular artist, sometimes we even dream of being president. Often we want to be like mom or dad. As we get older, our views change: not all the professions we dreamed of suit us. We look at the world more realistically and understand that our future depends on which profession we choose. There are many professions in the world, but somewhere there is only one, yours…They believe that the one who goes to work with pleasure in the morning and returns home with joy in the evening is happy. That's why it's so important to choose the right profession.

The decision to choose a profession did not come to me immediately. For a long time, various specialties attracted my attention, but in the end, the desire to acquire the qualification of a logistician outweighed. I learned about the specialty "Logistician" by chance, when I entered the university, I carefully studied the booklets about various areas of training. Each attracted me in its own way. I tried to imagine how I could realize myself in each area. As a result, my choice fell on the specialty "Logistician". At that moment, I did not yet know all the subtleties of this profession, I was attracted by its demand in the labor market and high salary. And then I decided to find more information on the Internet and what I found interested me very much.

First of all, it should be noted that the professional activity of a logistician is multifaceted and has a creative character. Among the main requirements for the personality of a logistician, it is necessary to highlight the knowledge of the case, self-confidence and the ability to establish contact with people. These qualities are needed today not only by the logistician, they are highly valued in ordinary everyday life. People with similar qualities enjoy authority in society, and they often achieve significant results in family, career, business, etc.Nevertheless, the most important requirement for a logistician is the implementation of such a task: from point A to point B to organize the delivery of goods with the least financial and time costs.. On the one hand, a logistician is an economist, a manager, a supplier, on the other hand, logisticians must have serious mathematical training in order to calculate the most optimal schemes for the delivery and storage of goods. In addition, the logistician needs to have an idea about the branch of material production that his company serves.

Having started training, I began to understand all the subtleties of this kind of activity, and now I consider this profession unique. After all, it reflects such sciences as economics, management, office management and much more. I would like to learn all these skills and sciences, as well as succeed in my career growth.