Why I chose the profession of a logistician?

2030 | 0
Barinova Ekaterina

The choice of a profession is a very important step for every person, because the choice made largely affects the future fate of a person, his personality, earnings, and even whether he will be happy or not.

We begin to choose our future profession as early as childhood. But it turns out that many people by the time of secondary school decide on the choice of their “craft”. But for some, this process becomes very difficult and very protracted. And I, as you probably already understood, was no exception from the last category of people. For a very long time I could not decide on the choice of “my” future field of activity. to this in all seriousness: I went through a huge variety of possible options; with special attention I “savored” various information about them: where you can get the appropriate education, how much it will cost, where and with whom I can work in the future. But nothing “clung to me” And this was already beginning to bother me, because by the time most of my peers had already decided on their future field of activity, I, when asked about the profession, still answered that I had not yet decided. But I continued to search. so, one fine day, I learned about such a profession as “Logist.” Having learned almost everything: from the duties and earnings of logistics specialists to the degree of their demand, I began to look for where I could get an appropriate education, As soon as the information received satisfied me. If you look at it, then logistics is one of the oldest professions, because the mass exchange of goods began a long time ago, and someone definitely had to deal with this and organize these processes. Thus, I can safely say that logisticians have appeared for a very long time, they were simply called differently. But as a separate profession, logistics was formed not so long ago, but nevertheless, specialists in this field remain in great demand to this day. Such people can work as in companies that carry out cargo transportation, and in any manufacturing company, since the manufactured products must be delivered to the consumer. And, despite its "youth", logistics is becoming one of the most relevant, important, and highly paid professions in the labor market. In addition to all this, this profession makes it possible travel, which, of course, can not but rejoice.

But everything is not so easy and simple. A logistician is not just a person who is paid a lot of money for just being. "Logistics" is an ancient Greek concept that literally means "calculation, reflection", which means that logistics is a profession of predominantly mental work, which makes it very difficult. Logisticians have a huge responsibility, a lot depends on the success or failure of logisticians And I am fully and fully aware of all the responsibility that will rest on my shoulders in the future. But I made my choice consciously. And I am ready to put all my efforts both in the learning process and in the future career of a logistician.