Why did I choose to study Logistics?

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Kashkaraeva Saltanat

Hello! My name is Kashkaraeva Saltanat, I am 17 years old. I am a 1st year student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at KSTU named after Iskhak Razzakov.

Many people sooner or later come to a point when they have to choose their future profession. To be honest, it is not an easy decision since the future of person depends on it.

One day I grew up to this point to make my decision as well. Option to study Logistics burst into my life unexpectedly and swept away all the previous options. It struck me as intriguing - a really good choice for my future.

Let's start with the fact that logistics as relevant as ever in modern life. Almost everything revolves around the procurement of various goods and their transportation. With the development of e-commerce, the work of a logistician has become necessary and highly in demand. Especially in the last two years, due to the pandemic, when people did not have the opportunity to move around the planet - logisticians helped thousands of people and in addition earned money on this.

A logistician is a specialist who organizes and coordinates the delivery of goods from one trading / production site to another or to the end consumer, while making sure that the goods reach the consumer in a timely manner and with minimal costs.

Here are the points, that attract me in studding logistics:

- the profession demand;

- the ability to work remotely and flexible working hours;

- the novelty and relevance of the profession - there is always trade, and logistics in this regard is universal and can adapt to any area of activity;

- the ability to earn high income, of course.

Therefore, I consider logistics to be a winning option, I deliberately chose it and I am determined to become a demanding specialist needed by various enterprises in a few years, and I believe in myself.