Public procurement ecosystem

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Borisova Vera

Borisova Vera Viktorovna - Professor of the Department of Logistics and Trade Policy, St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The results of her work are reflected in monographs, textbooks on commerce, logistics, marketing, including textbooks: "Supply Logistics", "Commercial Logistics", "Economic Logistics", "Logistics in the system of aggregate knowledge" published in collaboration with Professor Afanasenko I.D. in the publishing house of Peter and the publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics; is a member of dissertation councils of a number of universities in the country, vice-president of the South-Russian Association of Logistics.

Abstract. The publication discusses the application of digital technologies in the Russian contract system and the prospects for creating an ecosystem of public procurement; the practical experience of using digital technologies in the public procurement system is generalized. An ecosystem approach to improving the efficiency of public procurement has been highlighted. It is shown that the creation of an ecosystem of state procurement in Russia is associated with the restructuring of several its structural elements, the introduction of artificial intelligence algorithms, blokchain technologies, smart-contracts, dialogue interfaces, which is associated with social, economic and structural risks

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