Abylgazieva Elnura
1983 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of a logistician?
In childhood, everyone wants to make the right choice in 2 directions: 1) life partner 2) profession I think that with the first one i will decide in the coming years. But I started thinking about the second one at school. In the 9th grade, it seemed 2 more years ahead, I have time to find my specialty, so to speak, my designation. Each of us has own place in this huge world. But time passed quickly, as I was already in the 11th grade. And it is The period when your relatives, friends, mates ask you "Which university are you planning to go to?" Does that sound familiar to you?) I didn't know what to answer them and ignored this question for a long time. Since I was a teenager, I knew that, on the one hand, I wanted something related to mathematics, calculations, because i prefer more exact sciences. But on the other hand, interaction, communication with people, that is sociability. I didn't want to be an economist because in my opinion this profession has outlived its time. Then I wanted to go to Business Management, but something quickly changed my mind. I started searching the Internet for what specialty might suit my preferences. Many specialties were offered on the Internet, ranging from a journalist to an accountant. But I didn't like it.I continued to search, stumbled upon logistics. At the beginning, it seemed to me a kind of new, incomprehensible word, besides, it is also a science. I started a mini-search of what it is. A day later, this specialty impressed me very much. That's how I learned about such a profession as a logistician in a day. I realized that this is what I need. Because your future profession will feed you all your life. Telling my family that I have the answer to their question. On the same day, we gathered at a large table. Having announced the choice of profession, they were very happy for me, for my future. So, as they consider this profession promising, highly paid, and also the most important thing that interests me. My aunt having learned that I would become a logistician, was doubly glad, because it turns out she wanted to become one, but she also chose a very interesting profession. Having decided on the choice of profession, I started looking for a university, preferably on a budget basis. I saw that there is such a direction in the I. Razzakov KSTU, and even a budget, I immediately accepted the choice.
Akylbekova Aigerim
2604 | 1
The role of logistics in human history
Logistics is a very old discipline that has been, currently is, and always will be, critical to our everyday lives. Today, logistics is a rather complicated and advanced process but it began years ago in a less advanced form. The frequently mentioned ‘logistics’ originated from the word ‘logistique’ or ‘loger’ in French which mean storage. Logistics in English refers to a system that transports goods, information and resources from a place of origin to a destination according to customer’s needs at an agreed upon time, cost and condition. Logistics goes back a long way. Logistics is primarily a military term, so the first applications were in military areas. Ancient Roman and Greek wars are the basis for today’s logistics systems. Romans developed a highly efficient logistic system to supply its legions. They introduced supply lines and supply depots at 30 km intervals (one day’s march). Alexander the Great produced a logistics system to support troops rather than rely on living off the land. Napoleon planned his logistics campaigns well and logistics and supply was a top priority. Military officers called “logistikas” were responsible for ensuring the supply and allocation of resources, so that soldiers could move forward efficiently. Their duties also included inflicting damage to the supply locations of the enemy and safeguarding one’s own supply locations. Logistics management originated by the British Army far before the outbreak of the First World War where a military supply chain system was developed by building infrastructure such as roads, railroads, ports, airfields, supply stores and vehicles to transport weapons and troops. During the Middle Ages elaborate supply systems, roads and warehouses were used. Forts and castles became storage depots supported by the economy of the surrounding countryside. During the Industrial Revolution, logistics advanced greatly with the addition of railways and ships. During the Second World War (1939-1945), logistics evolved significantly. The army logistics of the United States and the Allies turned out to be more than the German army could withstand. The supply points of the German armed forces were severely damaged, and Germany was unable to inflict the same damage to its enemy. The United States Armed Forces provided services and supplies at the right time and in the right place. She also tried to provide these services whenever and wherever it was required, in the most optimal and economical way. The best available options for this task have been developed. It also gave rise to several methods of military logistics that are still in use, although in a more advanced form. After World War II, logistics moved from warfare to business. Physical distribution of products began with a focus on outbound activity. Filling orders, distribution of products, storage and warehousing, production planning and customer service are presently important aspects of the logistics process. In the United States, which started its agricultural produce distribution across the continent in the late 19th Century, there was a development of industrial goods distribution system. This eventually led to the start of the official Logistics Management Science in the US in 1964. The public sector has adapted the logistics management into their business practice up until now. An entire industry was born from what started as a way to get products from point A to point B. Many companies now rely on outsourcing for some or all of their supply chain management activities, resulting in the development of third party logistics companies for efficient transport and tracking of goods. For commerce and industrial sector, logistics plays an important role in reducing costs which in turn increases profits. It is also used as an important tool in creating competitiveness as it helps create effectiveness in customer service, establish a good relationship with both internal and external customer and acts as a foundation for the business growth with a help from the speedy information technology. With the increase in globalization in the 1990s, companies started to import and export more, and transportation has become an important factor for businesses in terms of cost and timeliness. Businesses gave importance to transportation in order to maintain their existence in a competitive environment. However, length of distances and the importance of time management have been competitive factors, and businesses must act by integrating various transportation systems. As a result, control of transportation systems has become an important factor. Companies have considered transportation as strategically important in order to maintain the speed of their activities and avoid losing their market share. As a result of the never-ending drive to maintain competitiveness, the field of “logistics management” has emerged, which includes all stages of transportation. Logistics costs are a significant part of many companies’ expenses, so many businesses have long explored using external resources to reduce logistics costs. In a globalized world, everyone has become a potential buyer, every company has become a potential supplier, and even medium-sized companies have the chance to find a customer or supplier in every country. The aim of purchasing is to supply cheap raw materials with the fastest and lowest costs, and the end goal is to find the shortest and most cost-effective way to sell products to the whole world. While each country has become a potential market, supply and sales opportunities between countries have resulted in the need for logistics, allowing the logistics industry to reach growth rates of up to 20% each year. With the supply chain becoming more important, supply chain departments within companies were created, while logistics companies started to provide complete service solutions from planning to stock management. With all of these developments, a complete logistics and supply chain management industry has emerged and is booming. As you can see, logistics is an important part of production and commodity relations in the modern world. Therefore, the application of its concepts and tasks, as well as awareness of its functions, makes it possible to make any business efficient and independent of external conditions. Today it is difficult to imagine the work of any transport company without this science. Its introduction into the business and everyday life gave new jobs and allowed to bring the activities of companies involved in trade and transportation of goods to a higher level.
Namazalieva Aicholpon
1953 | 0
How and why did I choose logistics as my profession?
Hello! My name is Aicholpon Namazalieva and I entered the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at the I. Razzakov KSTU for the specialty "Logistics of supply and procurement of goods". In this text, I would like to tell you how I chose my profession and why "logistics". One of the most important and main choices of a person is the choice of profession. This choice will decide a lot of things for a person: what kind of lifestyle he will be engaged in, in which society he will develop, how much he will earn, and most importantly, what kind of person he will eventually become. Such a choice came to me. 11th grade, many of my peers already know exactly who they want to see themselves in the future and are stubbornly beginning to prepare for admission. In my case, the exact profession that I would like to learn was not in my mind. But certain qualities of my future profession have already been determined: 1) communication. I am a very sociable person, communication with different people in any field played a very important role in my life, so when choosing a profession, I paid attention to this most of all. 2) relevance and relevance of the profession. Now many professions have already outlived themselves or are so well-known that many, having studied in such professions, simply cannot find a job in their specialty, since there are more than enough such specialists. 3) high wages. As for everyone, so for me, high wages play an important role. But, of course, I also took into account that the level of the desired salary will correspond to the level of complexity of my future profession. 4) foreign languages. Since childhood, learning foreign languages has been very easy for me. A little later I realized that a foreign language, in particular, English and German are a bridge to prestige and success, so their presence in my future profession was necessary. Having collected all the main aspects for me, I began to look everywhere for professions suitable for these criteria. Time was running out, and so I began to carefully ask all my friends whose path of development I admired or whose specialties seemed to me the most interesting. One day I met my aunt, who works as a logistician in a large company. She became the one who immediately made me very interested in this area. She told about her working days, in what environment she works and what she does during her working hours. She also touched upon the fact that not many people know about the specialty "Logistics", so it is quite in demand in the labor market and is quite highly paid. I always saw and admired the great desire and enthusiasm with which she worked, and became confident in my choice after her story. After a long-term search for a suitable university, my choice settled on the Kyrgyz-German Institute at the I. Razzakov KSTU. I really liked the composition of the teachers of this department, because each of them already has extensive experience in the field of logistics, which they can share with their students. Moreover, I was very attracted by the connection with Germany and the various exchange and study programs available at the university, as it is very important for me to maintain my knowledge of the German language in order to continue my studies in Germany. Logistics is a set of organizational, managerial, production and technological processes for the effective provision of various systems with commodity and material resources. Specialists of this profession should be comprehensively developed, since logistics affects literally all spheres of life (the logistician must control all processes: purchase, delivery, transportation, communication with customs and government organizations, packaging, sales.) Logistics at the I. Razzakov KSTU was divided into several areas. I entered the Logistics of supply and procurement of goods, because the organization of goods to their further transportation is closer to me . "Logistics of supply and procurement of goods" is a link in the entire logistics chain, because the overall success of the entire logistics system depends on the success of its functioning. I believe that I have chosen the most suitable specialty and university for me, which I am very happy about. It remains for me to study and master this profession with the help of some of the most highly qualified teachers in our country for the remaining four years in order to eventually become a sought-after specialist in this field.
Kashkaraeva Saltanat
1910 | 0
Why did I choose to study Logistics?
Hello! My name is Kashkaraeva Saltanat, I am 17 years old. I am a 1st year student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at KSTU named after Iskhak Razzakov. Many people sooner or later come to a point when they have to choose their future profession. To be honest, it is not an easy decision since the future of person depends on it. One day I grew up to this point to make my decision as well. Option to study Logistics burst into my life unexpectedly and swept away all the previous options. It struck me as intriguing - a really good choice for my future. Let's start with the fact that logistics as relevant as ever in modern life. Almost everything revolves around the procurement of various goods and their transportation. With the development of e-commerce, the work of a logistician has become necessary and highly in demand. Especially in the last two years, due to the pandemic, when people did not have the opportunity to move around the planet - logisticians helped thousands of people and in addition earned money on this. A logistician is a specialist who organizes and coordinates the delivery of goods from one trading / production site to another or to the end consumer, while making sure that the goods reach the consumer in a timely manner and with minimal costs. Here are the points, that attract me in studding logistics: - the profession demand; - the ability to work remotely and flexible working hours; - the novelty and relevance of the profession - there is always trade, and logistics in this regard is universal and can adapt to any area of activity; - the ability to earn high income, of course. Therefore, I consider logistics to be a winning option, I deliberately chose it and I am determined to become a demanding specialist needed by various enterprises in a few years, and I believe in myself.
Barinova Ekaterina
2030 | 0
Why I chose the profession of a logistician?
The choice of a profession is a very important step for every person, because the choice made largely affects the future fate of a person, his personality, earnings, and even whether he will be happy or not. We begin to choose our future profession as early as childhood. But it turns out that many people by the time of secondary school decide on the choice of their “craft”. But for some, this process becomes very difficult and very protracted. And I, as you probably already understood, was no exception from the last category of people. For a very long time I could not decide on the choice of “my” future field of activity. to this in all seriousness: I went through a huge variety of possible options; with special attention I “savored” various information about them: where you can get the appropriate education, how much it will cost, where and with whom I can work in the future. But nothing “clung to me” And this was already beginning to bother me, because by the time most of my peers had already decided on their future field of activity, I, when asked about the profession, still answered that I had not yet decided. But I continued to search. so, one fine day, I learned about such a profession as “Logist.” Having learned almost everything: from the duties and earnings of logistics specialists to the degree of their demand, I began to look for where I could get an appropriate education, As soon as the information received satisfied me. If you look at it, then logistics is one of the oldest professions, because the mass exchange of goods began a long time ago, and someone definitely had to deal with this and organize these processes. Thus, I can safely say that logisticians have appeared for a very long time, they were simply called differently. But as a separate profession, logistics was formed not so long ago, but nevertheless, specialists in this field remain in great demand to this day. Such people can work as in companies that carry out cargo transportation, and in any manufacturing company, since the manufactured products must be delivered to the consumer. And, despite its "youth", logistics is becoming one of the most relevant, important, and highly paid professions in the labor market. In addition to all this, this profession makes it possible travel, which, of course, can not but rejoice. But everything is not so easy and simple. A logistician is not just a person who is paid a lot of money for just being. "Logistics" is an ancient Greek concept that literally means "calculation, reflection", which means that logistics is a profession of predominantly mental work, which makes it very difficult. Logisticians have a huge responsibility, a lot depends on the success or failure of logisticians And I am fully and fully aware of all the responsibility that will rest on my shoulders in the future. But I made my choice consciously. And I am ready to put all my efforts both in the learning process and in the future career of a logistician.
Kudaibergenova Eleonora
2206 | 0
How and why did I choose logistics as my profession?
My name is Eleonora, I am 18 years old, I am a 1st year student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute. I have been trying to find my own field of activity for a very long time. After all, this is one of the most important decisions in the life of every person; find exactly what he likes. But, to be honest, after finishing 11th grade, I had a very vague idea of what I wanted to do. My preferences changed almost every week. I wanted to become a programmer, then an engineer, then I wanted to connect my life with mathematics and go to a financier. But in the end, having drawn up a clear plan in which I took into account all my abilities: what I do best and having built several mandatory points that should be in my future work, I chose logistics. This is how trite everything turned out, but now I can say with confidence that I got into logistics. Logistics suits me even in character - the same emotional, lively, a little creative and in constant motion. Logistics is a young, constantly evolving science that requires progress. It is very interesting for me to have a connection with almost the whole world. And from the point of view of the relevance of the profession and remuneration of labor, a logistician is a very good option. The profession is quite rare, high salaries, career growth is guaranteed. I think I made the right choice.
Taalaibekova Nurai
2047 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of a logistician?
Hello everyone. I am Taalaibekova Nurai, a first-year student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute .Probably every graduate after graduation had questions within himself about his future profession. And I felt so insecure inside myself and couldn’t choose a specialty that I would enjoy all my life.But when choosing a profession, I needed to determine my abilities, capabilities, interests and inclinations that can contribute to success in training and, of course, in work. Despite this , I still had to pay attention to the fact that my profession will be one of the highest paid and in demand – after a versatile job, where I can develop not only in one direction, but also in several, and most importantly, I was connected with natural science and technical disciplines, since I like to study mathematics from school. And somehow , in the vastness of the Internet , I took a fancy to the profession of a logistician , and even before I was interested in studying it . When I got acquainted with this comprehensive and interesting profession , I learned that logistics specialists are in demand in the labor market , in various companies engaged in cargo transportation and there are a lot of prospects for personal growth. After reading many other articles about this wonderful specialty, I decided to dive deeper into this amazing world of logistics, in which I can get all the answers to my questions. I am looking forward to the moment when I can put my knowledge into practice.
Kostrubov Davyd
1972 | 0
Why did I choose Logistics?
Many of us have been thinking about choosing a profession since childhood. We like famous people and we want to be like them. We imagine ourselves as a doctor or a famous journalist, lawyer or a popular artist, sometimes we even dream of being president. Often we want to be like mom or dad. As we get older, our views change: not all the professions we dreamed of suit us. We look at the world more realistically and understand that our future depends on which profession we choose. There are many professions in the world, but somewhere there is only one, yours…They believe that the one who goes to work with pleasure in the morning and returns home with joy in the evening is happy. That's why it's so important to choose the right profession. The decision to choose a profession did not come to me immediately. For a long time, various specialties attracted my attention, but in the end, the desire to acquire the qualification of a logistician outweighed. I learned about the specialty "Logistician" by chance, when I entered the university, I carefully studied the booklets about various areas of training. Each attracted me in its own way. I tried to imagine how I could realize myself in each area. As a result, my choice fell on the specialty "Logistician". At that moment, I did not yet know all the subtleties of this profession, I was attracted by its demand in the labor market and high salary. And then I decided to find more information on the Internet and what I found interested me very much. First of all, it should be noted that the professional activity of a logistician is multifaceted and has a creative character. Among the main requirements for the personality of a logistician, it is necessary to highlight the knowledge of the case, self-confidence and the ability to establish contact with people. These qualities are needed today not only by the logistician, they are highly valued in ordinary everyday life. People with similar qualities enjoy authority in society, and they often achieve significant results in family, career, business, etc.Nevertheless, the most important requirement for a logistician is the implementation of such a task: from point A to point B to organize the delivery of goods with the least financial and time costs.. On the one hand, a logistician is an economist, a manager, a supplier, on the other hand, logisticians must have serious mathematical training in order to calculate the most optimal schemes for the delivery and storage of goods. In addition, the logistician needs to have an idea about the branch of material production that his company serves. Having started training, I began to understand all the subtleties of this kind of activity, and now I consider this profession unique. After all, it reflects such sciences as economics, management, office management and much more. I would like to learn all these skills and sciences, as well as succeed in my career growth.
Jeenkulova Aziza
1606 | 0
How did I choose the profession of a logistics?
Hello! My name is Aziza Jeenkulova, I'm 17 years old. I am a student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute. I could not decide for a very long time what specialty to choose, from one to another from the 9th grade. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a beautician, but I realized that medicine is not mine and is not ready to study. Then I wanted to become a marketer, I realized that I did not Unfortunately, I could not fly for family reasons. I gave up, deciding that everything, I did not want to enter. And in the summer my friend offered me to enter KSTU and Ishaka Razakov at the faculty of KSTI and choose the specialty "logist". I thought and decided that I would enter, studied the profession, I really liked it. I have allocated a few points for myself: 1) To study German 2) the profession is highly paid 3) the profession is in demand 4) very good opportunities. Well, this is my story of choosing a profession, in the future, I am sure that I will succeed and I will be a sought-after specialist.
Azima Isaeva
2182 | 0 | 13
Design of a procurement guide for private preschool institutions on the example of the SP "Rukhiy-Muras"
In 2021, 42 bachelors and 8 masters of the "Logistics" direction of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov have successfully completed their final papers. Of the 50 students, 43 were rated excellent, 7 - a good. Procurement Logistics students have also submitted excellent final papers in analytical, research and applied areas. On the page of our website, we will constantly publish the most relevant works of our students. Representatives of large and medium businesses in their procurement activities are constantly harmonizing and applying the principles and procedures of public procurement. An illustrative example is the graduation work of a student Azima Isaeva on the topic: "Design of a procurement guide for private preschool institutions on the example of the SP " Rukhiy-Muras ". Abstract. Protecting the health and development of the younger generation is the most important strategic task of the state and society, since the foundation of the health and moral quality of an adult is laid precisely in childhood. A large number of goods and services are provided on the market, sometimes they do not meet the quality standard, at a low price and are not safe, thereby causing a particularly high risk of harm to the health of children. Another common reason for the presence of unsafe goods in educational organizations is that employees of procuring organizations, including tender commissions, procurement departments, do not have a sufficient understanding of the environmental characteristics of goods and make choices without considering the described risks. In the first chapter, I examined the general concepts of the procurement sector and the general requirements for the safety of goods and services provided for private preschool institutions. I also showed how to efficiently purchase goods, what technical, sanitary, legal and state standards they must comply with. In the second chapter, I analyzed the private preschool institutions SP " Rukhiy-Muras ". I counted all the costs, expenses and profits of the company. I built a logical-graphical tree of problems, which clearly shows what is the main problem of the enterprise, its causes and consequences. And in the third chapter I wrote the “7 steps” guide.
Akylbekova Aigerim
2076 | 0
Why did I choose logistics?
Is logistics a dream profession? This question is difficult to answer because a child cannot imagine, hardly anyone knows what a logistician is. For example, I first heard about this science when I was 16 years old, and, unfortunately, I did not fully understand its meaning. What do I want to say? As a child everyone has dreams of making a successful career in life. Finally, every person has a stage in his life at which he has to make an important decision in choosing a future profession. I thought for a long time of what I can do with pleasure and how I can be useful to others. Since I am a versatile person, I wanted to choose a specialty that would cover a wide range of areas that I am interested in. I was already thinking about applying for a programmer. Once my aunt advised me to try logistics, for which I am very grateful to her. I weighed pros and cons of this field and made a choice in favor of logistics pretty quickly. Why logistics? Because it is modern, required, promising. Logistics is needed in all industries even in everyday life. I think this profession suits my skills and abilities. Indeed, it suits not only those who are good at natural sciences but also those who are good at humanities. It will not be difficult for me to study mathematics, computer science, geography, economics, and management in depth as I am half a technician, half a humanitarian by nature. Moreover, all these subjects are very interesting to me. At the moment, my dreams are related to logistics. I will try to become a highly qualified logistician and open my own logistics center in the future!
Abyl kyzy Aidana
2357 | 0
Why did I choose Logistics?
Hello, my name is Aidana, I am 18 years old and I am a student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute. How i did become a student at this university and in this area? In the life of every person there comes a moment when you need to make an important life choice - to choose a profession, and everyone thinks about who he or she will become in the future, what to do. Recently, this issue has not become less relevant, despite the development of mankind, it is still difficult to find a high-paying job that will appeal to everyone. The work of a person will accompany him throughout most of his life and is, I can say, a very important part of his happiness. How difficult it is at such a young age to make an informed choice of my future work. I thought for a long time, I thought what my heart was about. I had two options for the profession in my heart: dentist and logistician. And from that time before the start of the tour, I wanted to become a stomatologist, and then when the tour began, the sphere of logistics became more interesting. And when I passed the competition, I started to get even more interested, because since childhood I really like to travel, work in some huge company, in an office with wearing classic clothes, work with a foreigner, work abroad (not only work and I want to study abroad ), and I like to communicate with people. As you already understood and I understood ... that logistics is my profession, more precisely, it was so much closer to my heart than dentistry. Of course, I chose "Logistics" because I am attracted by the field of activity in which these specialists work. This profession is also very much in demand at this time. Also, my sister works as a logistician and I really like listening to her stories about this profession and watching her career progress. It seems to me that the profession of a logistician is quite promising, it makes it possible to go to different cities and countries, practice your skills there and get any new skills. And of course, the university also matters in my choice. Because KSTU them. I. Razzakova is one of the leading universities and cooperates with many countries. I am glad that I entered the Polytechnic University. I made my choice and will never change my mind. I am ready to make every effort to achieve heights in this area and become a pride for my parents and teachers. I believe in myself and I am sure that becoming a logistician is my destin.
Niyazaliev Nuraaly
1738 | 0
Why did I choose the logistics profession?
To begin with, I would like to introduce the reader to the author of this essay himself in order to avoid any misunderstanding and reveal the full picture of this act. Niyazaliev Nuraaly, an ordinary boy from the city of Bishkek, as a child, answering the questions "who do you want to be in the future?" playfully saying that I will become a hero of the world, or the president, could not even imagine that he would choose such a serious and responsible direction as Logistics. And the first thought that arose and perhaps gave an impetus to action was in the 10th grade, when questions about the profession and the choice of a university seriously arose. Initially, the boy could not decide on the choice of a profession for a further prosperous life, but somehow the word "logistics" came into his life . Over time, he began to show interest in this profession and little by little began to think about the prospect in this direction. But these thoughts remained only thoughts, and everyone, including our main character, forgot about them. How did it happen that he still got to where he is at the moment? July. Knowing their results of the State Exam, three friends are looking for a place to enter, and one of the many options is Polytech, management. Three friends decide to come and take a live consultation with specialists in this field , first choosing the I. Razzakov Polytechnic University. Let's imagine a situation, the first of the three guys comes an hour earlier, somehow randomly gets to the consultants of KGTI in the direction of logistics and learns about an hour what the meaning of this profession is. As soon as two friends approach, they sit down on a bench and slowly think about a plan for further actions. And at this very moment, the first guy who came before those two offers to go to logistics, thereby disrupting the original plans, explaining that logistics includes much more disciplines and opportunities in the future than the direction they initially chose. In the midst of a conversation, one of those two guys, or to be more precise, Nuraaly, remembers his intentions from the 10th grade about entering the logistics direction. Without hesitation, considering it as some kind of sign, he agrees to take such a risk and try his fate in this difficult but interesting direction. That's how I ended up here, at the Polytechnic, in my second home. And even if this story is not so full of morality or awareness, but there is a certain history in it , and I believe that since I have chosen this profession for myself, I will try to become the most qualified specialist in this direction.
Artyom Subbach
2049 | 0
How and why did I choose logistics as my profession?
Hello! My name is Artyom, I am 18 years old, I am a student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute. For a very long time I couldn’t decide on the choice of my future profession. I rushed back and forth in various fields of different universities, from a programmer to a logistician. From the 10th grade, I began to think about who I would become, what I would do. Nowadays, it’s very important to find the business that you like and for which you will be paid good money. A lot of people take an awkward step in their lives, choosing the path along which they will go all their lives. I decided to approach this issue with special responsibility. Studying the Internet, in search of my future specialty, I could not find “that one” among thousands. And then I lined up several important points in front of me: 1) The profession should be well-paid; 2) It shouldn’t be harmful to health, because the more we can live, the more we can earn, right; 3) Work should be related to negotiations, communication, because it's cool, you see, to work with different interesting people, even with foreigners; 4) The profession must be in demand; 5) You must like it, you must love it, and then it will love you. As you already understood, I chose logistics. I think this specialty is perfect for me according to these criteria. Soon I found out everything in detail about this activity what is and what's it for? And I liked this filed of profession. In the future, I believe that I will be able to make my own contribution to this huge transport industry, make them more profitable, more environmentally friendly, cheaper, faster, and become a good specialist in demand. Written by: lg(b)-2-21
Bekk Viktoriya, Isaeva Ayana, Sultanova Leilya
3813 | 0
Prospects for the development of trade and logistics centers in the Kyrgyz Republic
3-rd grade master – students,Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov,Department of Logistics,Scientific supervisor – Umetaliev Akylbek Saparbekovichdoctor of economics, professor Abstract: the article discusses the prospects for the development of trade and logistics centers in the Kyrgyz Republic. Keywords: TLC, agriculture, storage, logistics, warehousing. The infrastructure of the food market ensures the formation of material, financial and information links between market entities and is a set of objects and institutional structures. The market infrastructure unites the spheres of production, circulation and consumption into a single chain, accelerates the turnover of material, financial and information flows in the economy, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of social development.Market infrastructure includes such substructures as systems of trade and intermediary activities; warehouse facilities; information support; packaging industry; transport service; financial, credit and organizational support; economic and legal regulation of market participants, etc. In connection with the development of market relations, tangible changes are taking place in the trade and intermediary infrastructure. First of all, the nature and purpose of intermediary and sales structures is changing, network trade structures, wholesale and retail associations, trade and logistics centers (TLC) come to the fore. Currently, trade, purchasing, as well as sales of produced agricultural products in the Kyrgyz Republic are spontaneous, mainly grown agricultural products are sold in large, medium and small open-type markets. In these markets, sanitary, veterinary standards and requirements are not observed, there are no laboratories for express analyzes. In the meat and vegetable pavilions, where there is an intensive sale of food products, there is unsanitary conditions, especially in the summer season. One of the directions for solving the problem related to the sale of products and protecting the interests of manufacturers and buyers is the creation of a TLC network across the republic. In addition, the need for the development of a modern TLC network is associated with the provision of the country's population with high-quality food products and the further marketing of domestic agricultural products for export. The Trade and Logistics Center is a special center for the provision of transport, logistics and processing and transit services for local and international manufacturers, carried out on a commercial basis by various operators. The developed TLC system shortens the supply chain, optimizes the flow of goods, and increases the maneuverability of supplies. TLC allows to significantly reduce the time interval between the purchase of raw materials and semi-finished products and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer with the lowest financial costs, contributes to a sharp reduction in inventories, accelerates the process of obtaining information, increases the level of service. The maximum effect for the optimal organization of commodity flows can be achieved only with the correct integration of LCs into logistics networks. At the moment, there are 12 logistics centers on the territory of the regions, including in the Chui region - 6 of which 3 logistics centers are temporarily not working, Issyk-Kul region - 1, Batken region-1, Osh region - 2, Talas region -1 and Jalal-Abad region - 4. For the further development of the TLC on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is planned to build 23 more logistics centers.Speaking about the prospects for the development of these TLCs, it should be noted that agriculture in Kyrgyzstan is one of the leading sectors of the economy. Over 65% of the population of Kyrgyzstan lives in rural areas, respectively, engaged in agriculture. In the total volume of the country's gross domestic product, the share of agriculture is a significant part - about 24%. The creation and development of trade and logistics centers is one of the main and promising areas in agriculture, because this will help develop the country's export potential and cross-border trade. By using trade and logistics centers for storing vegetables and fruits, using environmentally friendly and modern agricultural technologies, Kyrgyz rural producers can make optimal use of agricultural resources and form highly productive and environmentally sustainable agricultural systems. The problem of the TLC's work is not in full force is not analyzing and forecasting the market and not taking into account priorities, i.e. farmers use the sown area inappropriately and suffer losses. Nobody develops recommendations for them on the cultivation of one or another of the types of crops. Also, due to the poor-quality operation of logistics centers, there is a problem with the sale of collected products. Most farmers sell their products to small wholesalers at low prices, who in turn sell themselves. Often, not every wholesale intermediary has the ability to export their goods. In this regard, he also bears losses. To solve these problems, more and more trade and logistics centers are being opened in Kyrgyzstan. However, opening a logistics center is half the battle; it is also necessary to use the available resources correctly and interact with wholesale suppliers and farmers for the centers to operate efficiently. According to the concept of development of the TLC in the Kyrgyz Republic, the centers are aimed at reducing the costs of agricultural producers associated with the storage, distribution and transportation of grown fruits and vegetables. With proper storage, optimal distribution and centralized procedures for customs clearance of exports, the price of products can actually decrease by an average of 30-50%. If we take into account that in the pricing chain from the producer to the final consumer, the losses of perishable fruits and vegetables and processed products reach 40%, then the construction and development of local or regional, as well as international TLCs will reduce these losses to 10-15% of all grown products. The development of a TLC and a trade and transport system for the distribution of raw materials, products and foodstuffs will make it possible to comprehensively solve the following main tasks: - an increase in the income of the rural population and an improvement in the quality of life of agricultural producers; - increasing the level of employment of the rural population, preserving and creating new high-tech jobs: - increasing the volume of supplies of agricultural products and meeting the population's demand for food in the winter and spring periods; - export growth and effective use of transit potential, favorable geopolitical location of the country and advantages in the form of highways, railways and air corridors; - providing the EAEU requirements for agricultural products of the Kyrgyz Republic and improving the veterinary, phytosanitary and sanitary situation. In conclusion, it can also be noted that the full implementation of the goals for the construction and development of the TLC in the Kyrgyz Republic and the optimal integration of the LC into a single logistics network will lead to the following: - The TLC will act as an information and service hub for the relevant participants; - consolidates small individual deliveries in large batches of standardized products with a single packaging for large-scale buyers; - supporting international trade and facilitating the movement of goods along international corridors through the modernization of logistics capabilities, interconnection of networks and multimodal (mixed) transport; - export growth, increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex and ensuring food security of the state; - farmers will have the opportunity of guaranteed sales of their products in accordance with contractual obligations with the Center. Thus, the creation of a TLC system for agricultural products improves the market infrastructure, encourages the development of the agricultural sector and an increase in the export potential of Kyrgyzstan.
Talaybekova Aydai
1979 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession
I believe that logistics has a very important role in my profession, because logistics is the management of the processes of transferring goods or services from suppliers to consumers. Logistics is an integral part of food production; it performs all processes for the movement of raw materials, finished products and materials to optimize production and reduce costs. Solves issues with the transportation of finished products and is responsible for building a route. After the quality of the product itself, the logistics system follows. After all, this system ensures production with minimal costs, but with maximum profit. My profession has an important role in human life. Because the correct consumption of food is one of the important factors in determining human health. I believe that in Kyrgyzstan there are many problems in this area, such as the production of products with the addition of modified substances, improper storage, poor control of the safety and quality of products. Since childhood, I have met many cases when groceries, expired food has sold in stores, and as a result, people acquired various diseases. That is why I decided to study therefore the direction in order to solve problems and give people confidence in the safety and quality of food. Any industrial firm striving to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and formation of stocks of material and technical resources, as well as the distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service. Now, logistics makes it possible not only to increase the efficiency of the functioning of various companies, but also to regulate all their structures. This science plays an important role for buyers, suppliers, as well as owners and shareholders. We can say that logistics covers almost all the activities of an organization: from controlling all kinds of costs to selling the product itself. The application of the concepts of this science will allow you to significantly reduce costs and increase competitiveness among other enterprises.
Baibolotova Saikal
2007 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession
According to modern requirements, we need to develop ourselves by acquiring knowledge in many areas. Because today we need to be able to meet the demands of the times. I am currently studying in the field of food technology profession. I chose this industry because I want to produce quality, healthy, especially original food for the future. Yes, education is like digging a well with a needle. Education here is in great demand. We also need to dig into other fields and bring together a lot of information that we need in order to effectively develop and advance our profession in the future without learning in our field. One of them is logistics. Logistics is a cliché. Translated from the Greek, "logistic" means the art of calculation, reasoning, thinking, and creating. I learned that logistics is the number one industry I need in my profession. Because I knew that with this industry, I could produce and sell my workplace, my own product or my own small company in the right quantity, with the right quality, in the right place, at the right time, for the right consumption, at the lowest cost. One of the main goals of logistics is to increase the efficiency of the economic system through the management of logistics processes.
Romanova Ekaterina
2108 | 0
The role of logistics in my future profession
The food industry, which I choose as my professional activity, is one of the foundations of the existence of society. Nutrition and provision of reserves for the people - that is task of society. Many centuries ago, a person concluded that the raw materials that agriculture and animal husbandry give us must be able to properly procure, prepare and store. This is what food technologists are doing. Why did I stop at this profession? I was interested in many areas into which the food industry is subdivided. Milk and bread, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, confectionery and drinks are the main branches of food production. The technologist is in charge of the entire process of processing, preparation and storage of products. It all starts with determining the quality and selection of raw materials. Than follows by the creation of recipes and building the cooking process, be it drying, freezing, conservation or cooking. The process ends with the selection of containers and storage conditions for food products. This requires precision and creativity, which have become part of my interest in the profession. What is the role of logistics in my future profession? The role of logistics in food production is primarily has aimed at providing the enterprise with reliable information about suppliers, customers, the structure and dynamics of demand, tastes, desires and preferences of consumers. Logistics should start by looking at customers, suppliers and demand levels. The object of the study is also the technical equipment of enterprises producing homogeneous products and their sales markets. A modern technologist must think not only about the safe production of food products, but also about the profitable sale of products. This is the role of logistics in my profession. The manufactured goods must be competitive, delivered and sold in the shortest possible time, without damage and damage to the products, in compliance with all norms and standards. Knowledge of logistics helps to calculate the place, time and relevance, marketability of a given product in a particular region. A technologist who understands the intricacies of logistics will always satisfy any demand and supply of even the most sophisticated consumer.
Berdibaeva Chynara
2473 | 0
The role of logistics in my future profession
I began to think about my future profession early enough. Since childhood, she loved to watch various culinary programs, documentaries about food and everything related to food. All this that I saw aroused deep interest and passion to create something of my own “my own food products”. Therefore, my choice fell on the profession of a technologist of canning production. A technologist is a specialist who develops a systematic technology for manufacturing a product. He monitors and controls the quality of raw materials, already manufactured products, makes calculations, prepares the necessary documentation, if a defect occurs, he finds the reasons for its occurrence and monitors compliance with safety measures. Such a specialist must have organizational skills, for example: when ordering and transporting the necessary raw materials and accepting them, with an accurate mathematical mind so that, the created product was competitive and had a good market demand. In the future, as a specialist, I must control the entire stage in the enterprise, so that production works smoothly, you need to provide it with raw materials, and for the receipt and storage of raw materials, a warehouse has needed, this is where the logical system begins. Logistics is the transportation of goods, the movement of goods from consumer to supplier, or a simpler interpretation of the “logic of optimal movement of goods”. Material management inside and outside the enterprise. Production logistics - ensuring high quality, timely production of products, reducing the production cycle and optimizing production costs. Therefore, logistics covers the entire range of enterprise activities: planning, implementation, cost control, movement and storage of enterprise materials. Nowadays, logistics is an integral part of the service, even if we produce an excellent product and if we do not know how to correct, timely and accurately deliver it to the desired point to the consumer, then the rest of the production cycle completely loses its meaning.
Muratbekova Gulzhamal
2013 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession
In a modern society, where technological progress is in tandem with time, where changes are taking place in all spheres of life, it is necessary to have a modern and in-demand profession. The choice of my profession was not a spontaneous decision, because in this stream of development, many professions began to lose their relevance. In addition, after weighing it, I chose the profession of a technologist, a canning technologist. The health of a person, and of the entire population, depends on the food consumed, on its benefits and harms. The work of a technologist includes a range of works on which the quality and safety of manufactured products depends. After technological processes, logistics takes an important place. Indeed, in order for our production to be profitable and in demand in the market, a good logistics system has needed. It is one of the important tools in improving the work of the enterprise. Since it directly interacts with the consumer. Logistics in general terms is the planning, implementation and control of technological and economic processes of moving finished products from the manufacturer to the consumer. It turns out that after the quality of the product itself, it is the logistics system that follows, because it is system that ensures production with minimal costs, but with maximum profit. Competitiveness in the market directly depends on the system of logistic servicing of consumer orders. She must be aware of new market demands and try to match the desires of consumers as much as possible. Besides all this, the main goal of the logistics system is the safe delivery of products in a short time, on time and at the lowest cost. All these factors prove to us that the role of logistics in food production is very important. It is a strong bridge between producer and consumer. Without a good logistics system, without a well-thought-out plan, it will be extremely difficult to break through in today's market. The successful functioning of the enterprise, its profitability, competitiveness and stable position in the market, all this is the result of a good work of the logistics system. Moreover, all this is an irrefutable proof of the importance of logistics in my profession. In addition, in the future, when I become a certified specialist and go to an enterprise, I will definitely focus on the logistics system. Since she will determine the demand for my products in the market.