Satysheva Aidai
2177 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession
Each person at a certain moment in his life has faced with the question of choosing his future profession, which will affect the course of his life. Moreover, if someone, being still a child who is just learning to perceive the world around him already knows who he will become in the future, and someone, even after graduating from school and holding a certificate with an ORT certificate, does not know who he wants to become. As for me, I, like many other people, did not immediately decide to become a food technologist. As a child, I wanted to become a lawyer, after that I wanted to become a doctor who saves lives, but by the time I got older I realized that all this was not mine, that I wanted to work in production, produce various products, and also create and invent my own assortments. Then I decided that I would become a food technologist and take part in providing the population with food products. However, choosing this profession, I could not even think about the connection between logistics and the profession of a technologist. What is this connection? In order to answer this question, let us first look at the definitions of these two concepts. "Logistics is the science of organizing, planning, controlling and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and in time from their primary source to the final consumer." At first glance, there is nothing in common between "logistics" and "food technologist", but if you think about it and look from the other side, you can determine the relationship between them. Let us look at this. Firstly, as we already understood, logistics deals with processes that ensure the delivery of goods from manufacturer to consumer. In addition, in our case, the food production technologist ensures the production of products, and with the help of logistics, the turnover of products from the manufacturer to the end consumer has carried out, and the export of products has ensured. Secondly, production requires primary raw materials, which have delivered to the plant or warehouse using logistics, which guarantees the delivery of goods in the right quantity and at the right time. And thirdly, the logistics of the food industry is responsible for planning and developing modes of storing finished products in warehouses before being sent to store shelves, and then into the hands of the consumer. Thus, we realized that the subject of "logistics" is the most important and integral part of food production. A food technologist must have logistic skills in order to ensure a high-quality market turnover of products.
Kalieva Aian Askatovna
2739 | 0
Regulations for public procurement in the Kyrgyz Republic
a third-year student in Iskhak Razakov Kyrgyz-German Technical Insitute, KGTI, Logistic Annotation: The article discusses the rules of public procurement according to the procurement methods. Keywords: Law "On Public Procurement of the Kyrgyz Republic", web portal of public procurement,, procurement methods. According to the Law "On Public Procurement of the Kyrgyz Republic", 1. Public procurement of goods, works and services is carried out by the following methods: single-step; two-stage; simplified; to lower the price; direct conclusion of the contract. 1) Single-stage competition: The main method of public procurement is a single-stage competition. When conducting a one-stage tender, the number of suppliers (contractors) willing to participate in procurement procedures is not limited. A single-stage tender for the purchase of goods, works and services is the main method and is used if, in addition to the price, it is necessary to establish quality criteria. 2) Competition by two-stage method: 2.1.) A two-stage tender is held if: a) the procuring entity cannot determine in advance the specific, technical characteristics and quality indicators of the purchased goods, works or services and this requires discussion with suppliers (contractors) to make a decision that best meets the procurement needs of the procuring entity; b) the subject of procurement is research, experiment, preparation of a scientific conclusion or provision of other specialized services. 2.2.) The tender is conducted in two stages using the two-stage method, and: a) at the first stage, suppliers (contractors) are invited to submit initial bids containing their proposals without specifying the bid price in the tender documentation. The tender documentation should consist only of the technical, quality or operational characteristics of the subject of procurement, as well as the contractual terms of delivery and the qualification data of suppliers (contractors); (b) In the first stage, the procuring entity may hold discussions with suppliers or contractors whose initial bids were not rejected in accordance with the provisions of this Law on any aspect of their initial bids. If the procuring entity conducts discussions with a supplier or contractor separately or jointly, it shall ensure that all suppliers or contractors participate in such discussions under the same conditions. Discussion separately with each supplier (contractor) is allowed only in cases where joint discussions are detrimental to the legitimate commercial interests of the supplier (contractor) or hinder fair competition; c) based on the results of the first stage, a protocol is drawn up, which specifies information about the place, date and time of the first stage of the two-stage competition, the name (for a legal entity), surname, first name, patronymic (if any) (for an individual) and the address of each participant; d) if at the end of the deadline for submitting applications for the first stage only one application has been submitted or no applications have been submitted, the two-stage competition is declared invalid; e) in the second stage of the two-stage tender procedures, the procuring entity invites all suppliers or contractors whose initial bids were not rejected in the first stage to submit final bids with prices, taking into account the revised terms of procurement; (e) The procuring entity is prohibited from changing the subject matter of the procurement, but is permitted to clarify aspects of the description of the subject matter of the procurement by: 1) the exclusion or modification of any aspect of the originally specified technical, quality or operational characteristics of the subject of procurement and the addition of any new characteristics that meet the requirements of this Law; 2) the exclusion or modification of any originally specified criteria for the consideration or evaluation of bids, or including new criteria that meet the requirements of this Law, if these criteria relate to changes in the technical, quality or operational characteristics of the subject of procurement; 3) notification of any exclusion, change or inclusion to suppliers or contractors in the invitation to submit final bids. 2.3.) The contest participants are subject to the same requirements. The winner of the competition is the tender application that participated in both stages and offered the best conditions for the performance of the contract. 2.4.) If, at the end of the deadline for submitting final applications for participation in the two-stage method, only one such application has been submitted or no such application has been submitted, or only one such application has been found to comply with the requirements of this Law and the tender documentation, or the tender commission has rejected all such applications, the two-stage tender shall be declared invalid. 3. Competition by the simplified method: 3.1.) The simplified tender method is used in the case of purchases of finished goods that do not require special manufacturing, works and services with a specific description for an amount less than the maximum threshold amount. 3.2). When conducting a tender by a simplified method, in order to ensure competition and effective selection, the procuring entity considers the bids for goods, works and services of at least two suppliers (contractors). Each supplier (contractor) is allowed to submit only one tender application and is not allowed to change it. No negotiations shall take place between the procuring entity and the supplier or contractor with respect to the tender submitted by that supplier or contractor. The winning bid is considered to be the acceptable bid with the lowest price that meets the needs of the procuring entity. 4. Competition by the method of lowering the price: 4.1.) The procedure for conducting the competition by the method of lowering the price is determined by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. 4.2.) The procuring entity may purchase goods and services using the reduced price method: a) if these goods and services have established quality standards and a specific description of the services; b) if there is a competitive market of at least three suppliers to ensure effective competition. 4.3.) The competition of the method for lowering the price is conducted through the web portal of public procurement in real time, where the purchasing organization sets the initial price that is ready to pay for the product or service, and suppliers offer their price offers, gradually reducing the price bar. 4.4.) The criteria used by the procuring entity in determining the winner of the tender must be expressed in quantitative and monetary terms. 4.5.) The winner of the competition by the method of lowering the price is the supplier who offered the lowest price offer. If the lowest price offer is submitted by several suppliers, the winner is the supplier whose offer was received earlier than the offers of other suppliers. 5. Direct contract procurement: Procurement by direct conclusion of a contract - a public procurement procedure in which the procuring entity signs a procurement contract after monitoring prices among the received applications (proposals) on the web portal (with the exception of paragraphs 6, 11, 15 and 17 of part 4 of this article) or in the electronic catalog of the web portal. If the web portal has not received applications (proposals), purchases are made by conducting repeated monitoring by requesting applications (proposals) in paper form. The procuring entity may require suppliers or contractors to sign a declaration guaranteeing the application. The supplier (contractor) must meet the qualification requirements established by the procuring entity, provided for in article 27 of this Law. Depending on the above methods of procurement, you can highlight the main points and the rules of public procurement in the following table: Table 1: Procurement methods Number of participants Allocated amount Emphasis, preference, or priority The notification must be confirmed by the supplier Confirmation by the procuring entity Period of silence single-stage ∞ ∞ If you need to set other criteria in addition to the price, a price quote is made at the end During the 1st calendar day Within 3 business days Not earlier than 10 calendar days and not more than 30 calendar days two-stage At least 2 participants ∞ 1-stage compliance with the qualification requirements and compliance with the technical specification, 2-stage price quotation During the 1st calendar day Within 3 business days Not earlier than 10 calendar days and not more than 30 calendar days simplified At least 2 participants Up to the maximum threshold amount for each item of expenditure during the year The winning bid is considered the acceptable bid with the lowest price, Price then quality During the 1st calendar day Within 1 business day Not earlier than 10 calendar days and not more than 30 calendar days to lower the price At least 3 participants ∞ The winner of the competition is the supplier who offered the lowest price offer During the 1st calendar day Within 1 business day Not earlier than 10 calendar days and not more than 30 calendar days direct conclusion of the contract ∞ Up to the minimum threshold amount or ∞ Price or quality During the 1st calendar day Within 1 business day Within 3 business days In all procurement methods, the contract is concluded before the end of the validity period of the bidder's bid. All of the above methods of procurement are used for the purchase of such types of purchases as: goods, work, service. When making purchases, from the moment of creation and publication of the tender until the conclusion of the contract with the winning participant and the successful completion of this contract, compliance with the rules and regulations of procurement is mandatory, according to the Law "On Public Procurement". References: 1. Law" On Public Procurement of the Kyrgyz Republic " No. 72 of April 3, 2015 ( ) 2. The web portal of public procurement ( )
Аsanova Aliya
2142 | 0
The role of logistics in my future profession
My future work is related to food production. Nutrition is necessary for our life, so this type of activity can be considered in demand. This profession is good for starting a business. Logistics is the management of the processes of transferring goods or services from suppliers to consumers. The transfer should be carried out at the optimal time on favorable terms. Logistics is an integral part of food products, it performs all processes for the movement of raw materials, finished products and materials to optimize production and reduce costs. It is worth noting that for the successful promotion of a business, logistics is engaged in the delivery of goods abroad with all the accompanying processes, which contributes to the growth of sales outside the country that produced the product. This means that production needs logistics activities not only within the enterprise, but also outside it. It also makes it possible to deliver products, and to those places where, due to climatic conditions, residents of such an area have a problem in their diet due to the lack of certain products. The role of logistics in production ends not only with the transportation of products, but also with the study of the market, as well as consumer demand, which contributes to the improvement of the food industry or the introduction of new technologies. Manufacturers produce products for consumers, the whole business is based on this. And of course, logisticians know best about the desires of the latter, and this knowledge helps to change, transform, improve all the activities of technologists. The logistics department in any enterprise is created to improve work, optimize core processes and increase profits, as well as productivity.
Dzhumadilova Ayana
1942 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession
As a child, I tried on different professions from an astronaut - the first to set foot on Mars, to an archaeologist who unravels new secrets of former civilizations. But by the tenth grade, my ambitions had subsided a little and from a small list of professions relevant to the present day, my choice fell on - a canning technologist. The profession of a technologist is relevant today, and with proper professional competence, food technologists receive a good salary. Since many now live according to the principle "time = money" and fewer and fewer people are engaged in home canning, preferring to buy a finished product from the shelves. And in order to bring this product to the shelves, you need the skills of a good logistician. I believe that a technologist must study logistics without fail, because often the technologist's work also includes organizational responsibilities, such as ordering and storing raw materials, storing finished products, etc. For canned products, it is important to observe many parameters during storage and transportation, otherwise, for example, an increase in temperature by at least one degree from the norm can lead to damage to all products, and there are a lot of such parameters - humidity, light, pressure, container in which the product is packed and even the distance of the product from the wall. And having the skills of a logistician, I will be able to competently organize the storage of products and raw materials, production flows and delivery of products to the shelves so that at the lowest cost we get the maximum profit and high-quality, and most importantly, safe products. As our teachers say: "Nobody knows your products better than you." Therefore, logistics skills will be a good plus in my resume when applying for a job, and even for myself it will allow me to improve the production of my products, make them better and more useful for the consumer, and most importantly, optimize production flows so that my product is always on the shelves. The development of the food industry does not stand still, therefore, for a specialist working in this area; it is important to regularly refresh his knowledge and acquire new skills. So that the manufactured product meets all food standards and, most importantly, is useful for consumers.
Malika Ulanbek
2034 | 0
The role of logistics in my future profession
There are quite a few such professions. But the main thing is that it is not enough to choose the right areas of activity, you have to study hard and master the basics of the profession, striving for real professionalism in your field. And so, I chose and studied different professions for a long time, and ultimately chose the profession - food technologist. This profession is not only in demand but also interesting. But in order to become a good technologist, you need to master a lot of knowledge and skills. A technologist must be versatile, know not only different sciences related to the technology of product production, but must be creative, be able to talk with people, and have leadership qualities, that is to know logistics! If we consider the role of logistics in production, then everyone will unanimously say that its role is enormous for the growth and development of production, because any production process at food processing enterprises begins with the acquisition of raw materials and material resources, which means from logistics. Logistics is the art of managing, planning, and also the ability to optimize production. Logistics in food production can contribute to strengthening the financial independence of an enterprise, improving management methods, and on the other hand, sustainable functioning. Meanwhile, the activities of food enterprises contribute to the solution of both economic and social problems to meet the needs of the population. At the enterprise level, the logistics system can supply and timely supply the production processes with the necessary resources. The implementation of this task is impossible without the activities of the industries of the production infrastructure: material and technical support, procurement, transport, communications, information industry, connects all links of the technological process, becomes an intermediary in the interaction of the manufacturer and the consumer, also provides storage and warehousing of production products. The effect of logistics is manifested in a high level of organization of production, which results in the saving of material and financial resources. These savings are reflected in the form of changes in indicators such as inventory levels, cycle times, capacity utilization rates, etc. In the modern world, people dream of a profession that brings joy, pleasure and decent pay.
Isaev Nazim
1980 | 0
Why did I choose to be a buyer?
This profession is very young. The last century in every enterprise there were specialist that implemented procurement activities and were called technical specialists or engineers. They performed various tasks related to calculating supply requirements, finding the necessary material solutions, establishing contacts with suppliers and much more. And as a result, they began to be called Buyers. Significant evolution has taken place over the past decades. As the history of the buying profession shows, before the role of specialists was reduced to a supporting or service function, sometimes they were called back-office. Unfortunately, the buyer's work was often not taken seriously, and this trend can still be traced. But the world does not stand still, and recently, buyers are increasingly required to work at a high strategic level. Today, there is a tendency to introduce procurement directors into the top management of the company, and without them important strategic decisions are not made. So far, this is not a mass phenomenon, but the trend is already encouraging, and I would like to hope that it will continue. This factor is one of the most important in the changing role of procurement in business. Therefore, I want to develop the profession of a buyer and therefore develop myself in it, as well as be one. It should also be noted how important professionalism and understanding of the essence of the purchased goods, works, services are. For example, materials and services need to be procured in different ways, in different ways to evaluate suppliers' proposals, to prepare technical specifications in different ways. This is especially evident when purchasing services. After unsuccessful attempts to purchase services according to the same principle as materials, conversations begin that the buyers do not understand anything, do not know, and destroy all ideas and ideas. As a result of such activities, business and internal customers complain: buyers only interfere, slow down, want to buy the cheapest and everything in the same spirit. The same is heard from suppliers and the market: as soon as buyers intervene, due to ignorance and lack of professionalism, they cannot evaluate ideas, creativity, the adequacy of services, it is just normal to compare services. That is why in such discussions one should insist on separating apples and oranges. It is impossible to classify all buyers as those who interfere with doing business. There are just unprofessional buyers who do not dive into the details and essence of the issues. This is another reason why I want to be in this area and in the future show by example that buyers are not a necessary part of logistics or business.
Akylbekov Batyrbek
1690 | 0
Why is it necessary to engage in procurement?
For us, logistics specialists, it is very important to carry out procurement, since material flow management is an integral part of the logistics itself. Any trading and manufacturing enterprises have a department that is responsible for purchasing and is called the procurement department. He is primarily concerned with establishing relationships with suppliers - coordinated relationships ensure a continuous flow of goods from the businesses that supply them. They also solve economic and planning issues. The very idea of logistics is to get additional profit from the coordination of actions of all participants. This idea requires supply personnel to achieve the goals of their own enterprise not as an isolated object, but as a link in the logistics system. It should pursue the goal of improving the efficiency and functioning of the entire logistics subsystem. The supply goal should be based on modern marketing concepts, first a sales strategy is developed, then, based on it, we should build a production development strategy, then a supply and procurement strategy. But in my opinion, marketing does not offer methods of systemic organization from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. The most effective functioning of the procurement department and the possibility of achieving goals to a significant extent depends on the very systematic organization of the procurement department. If I have to work in the procurement department, then I have to fulfill clear terms of procurement, adhere to time frames, fulfill the quantitative volume of procurement, procurement goods of exceptionally high quality, procurement all these resources at the lowest prices, with delivery, in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. for transportation and storage. Unfortunately, in Kyrgyzstan, the functioning of the procurement system is not fully established, since many firms continue to work, focusing on the time when all the resources in the country were not purchased, but distributed. I believe that when I graduate from the university, the “Purchasing logistics” profile, I will successfully cope with high-ranking tasks and will build the most effective ways of supplying my enterprise.
Jumashova Akylai
2012 | 0
The role of logistics in my profession as a food technologist
If we think for a moment about our favorite store or restaurant, the concept of logistics may not come to mind at first. But when you consider how exactly this establishment obtains the food and materials it needs for its day-to-day operations, the importance of logistics to our consumer lifestyle is undeniable. Logistics in simple words is the management of the processes of transferring goods or services from suppliers to consumers. In addition, the goal of logistics is to obtain the required amount of product at the lowest cost in a certain place and at a certain time. These activities include procurement, shipping, warehousing, material handling, protective packaging, inventory control, manufacturing orders, demand forecasting, marketing and customer service. Knowledge of logistics is necessary for people of different professions, especially a food technologist. Because food logistics is a wide range of activities associated with the efficient movement of raw materials from the source of supply to the beginning of the production line and finished products or semi-finished products, from the end of the production line to the point of consumption, according to customer requirements. Since a food technologist is a specialist responsible for the quality of food products at all stages: from receiving raw materials to packaging finished products, he must be competent in improving work productivity. Based on the formulation of the problem, one can understand that it can be completely solved only with the help of logistics. Because logistics, being inextricably linked with the production and economic activities of the enterprise, allows you to reduce costs or insure risks, for example, the risk of overstocking or shortage of finished products in warehouses. And in conclusion, I want to say that logistics plays an important role in my profession, because, ultimately, it depends on the actions of this service whether the customer will receive my product or not.
Alan Birmambetov
2296 | 0
Тест блог 002
To answer this question, first you need to understand what procurement is. Pocurement is a procedure for obtaining goods, works or services, which consists in establishing the need for these goods, works and services, finding suppliers, concluding and enforcing an agreement for the supply of goods (performance of works or services). Purchasing an enterprise is one of the most important processes carried out in doing business. It is the procurement process that ensures the effective functioning of today's enterprises, significantly affects their competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Public procurement is a system through which state-owned companies look for suppliers of goods, works and services. Moreover, these purchases can be of any scale - from the purchase of pushpins to the construction of stadiums. Why participate in public procurement? Government procurement allows you to get a large and reliable customer who will pay for sure. It is also an opportunity to increase sales and expand the geography of trade. Rumor has it that only “insiders” manage to get government contracts, they say, “from the outside” it is not worth even trying. Don't believe this. If you produce a quality product or provide a qualified service, then there is every chance of getting a government order. And for this you do not need to spend money on advertising, but you will have to spend time and effort to figure out the details. Procurement logistics is a complex of operations aimed at supplying an enterprise with resources, the volume of finished products, and the movement of purchased material resources among departments within the enterprise and between them. The main goal of procurement logistics is to meet the needs of the company (production) in products (materials) with the highest possible economic efficiency. Procurement logistics tasks: 1) ensuring the procurement of material resources at the lowest prices and with the highest quality. By reducing the purchase prices of materials, you can significantly reduce the cost of production; 2) ensuring timely delivery of materials for production needs; 3) compliance with the terms of the procurement of raw materials and components; 4) determination of the optimal size of supplies; 5) compliance with the compliance of the number of supplies with the needs of production; 6) control over the quality of raw materials and components; 7) ensuring the storage of material resources (finished product) with minimal costs. Having learned the full range of procurement, let's draw conclusions. In my opinion, procurement is the main driving force of any enterprise. The efficiency of work and services depends entirely on procurement logistics. And if you do not prioritize purchasing, your business will not go far, but on the contrary, it will slide into a crisis abyss. Therefore, if you want a thriving sustainable business, pay sufficient attention to procurement. Good luck in your endeavors.
Olesya Petrenko
1969 | 0 | 13
Organization of procurement activities of the enterprise
Currently, many large trade enterprises in the region are doing serious work to modernize and improve their procurement activities. The correct organization of procurement activities is the basis for the successful operation of any trade enterprise. Procurement is the acquisition of goods for various purposes for their final sale. In this case, trade enterprises are an effective assistant for manufacturers of goods, as they help to most fully and accurately meet the needs of the end consumer. By properly organizing procurement activities, the company not only contributes to meeting consumer demand, but also reduces the likelihood of commercial risk associated with the lack of sales of goods. Content Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of public procurement and procurement activities 1.1. Definition of the concept of "public procurement" 1.2. The essence, content and basic concepts of procurement Chapter 2. Features of the organization of procurement activities at the enterprise "MegaCity" 2.1. Enterprise characteristics 2.2. Analysis of the main financial and economic indicators of the activities of LLC "MegaCity" Chapter 3. Ways to improve procurement activities at the company LLC "MegaCity" 3.1. Measures to improve procurement activities in the trading enterprise LLC "MegaCity" 3.2. Change in the need for resource support of a trading enterprise Conclusion List of references
Islam Tyulyugaliev
1843 | 0
Why is it necessary to engage in procurement?
I entered the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov and chose Logistics, because I like this profession, and it is going to develop very quickly. There are many directions in logistics such as: manufacturing, purchasing, business, transport and others. Each of which is related to each other. Procurement is a process whose purpose is to obtain goods, works, services of a certain quality in the required quantity at the required time and at the lowest price. Procurement is a very important component. Procurement is needed, since materials for production are needed, as well as quality services. To do this, you need to choose the right, good supplier. The supplier is selected either through competitive bidding or in writing. The most effective option is competitive bidding, since you can monitor the entire process and choose a supplier carefully. Purchasing from the right supplier allows you to meet the deadlines, quantity and quality of the purchased raw materials. You also need to make a plan: What to buy? Why to buy? How to transport? And so on. The state or company, conducting purchases, provides the citizens of their country with everything they need - they choose the most popular goods and services at reasonable prices. This is the main reason for purchasing. Purchases are carried out to buy a product or service that is not in their country for a variety of reasons. Procurement should be carried out because everyone needs quality goods or services at good prices. In conclusion, I want to say that procurement are important for business, entrepreneurship, that is, for everyone who wants to make money and for those who need good services and goods. Also, purchases allow you to expand your influence in the market, increase sales and ultimately develop. The importance of procurement is invaluable.
Ayperi Baktybekova
2016 | 0 | 15
Evaluation of effective procurement activities
By properly organizing procurement activities, the company not only contributes to meeting consumer demand, but also reduces the likelihood of commercial risk associated with the lack of sales of goods. Procurement activities are aimed at ensuring that the company receives the necessary raw materials, materials, goods and services in a timely manner, in the right place, from a reliable and conscientious supplier, with good service and at a favorable price, in a timely manner. Content Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of procurement activities at the enterprise Chapter 2. Features of the organization of procurement activities in modern trade enterprises Chapter 3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of procurement activities Chapter 4. Procurement Benchmarking Conclusion List of references
Mambetkulova Sezim
1737 | 0
Why is it necessary to engage in procurement?
Procurement is a form of placing an order for the supply of goods and services. The essence of the purchasing process is the exact opposite of the sales process. As a first-year student of Logistics, I believe that procurement is one of the most important business processes and any person who thinks how to make money and decides to open his own business in the field of trade needs to carry it out. Let me explain why: Procurement is an important link in any production or trading network. Enterprises buy materials, tools, final goods. Each link in the chain buys goods from suppliers, increases their value, and then sells them to further consumers. Procurement at any enterprise allows to: expanding the range of products, reducing resource costs. Participation in procurement is a good "tool" for increasing sales and expanding the market for your goods, works or services. Also, purchases give an impetus to small businesses and the opportunity to make a profit for further development. Procurement is needed to meet the needs of our state with you in various goods, works and services. The range of these needs is truly enormous, from paper clips to large industrial facilities. Such procurement have a positive effect both on the development of the state itself and on the development of business in general. The state, represented by state and municipal customers, receives the goods (work or service) it needs on the most favorable terms, and the supplier receives money. Speaking about public procurement, one can single out such a big positive moment as saving the state budget when purchasing a large batch of goods, which allows suppliers to make large wholesale sales. Another positive point is that in the implementation of centralized public procurement there is the possibility of more detailed state and public control. When carrying out public procurement, monitoring and audit can be applied to the activities of authorized bodies. In summary, the purpose of procurement is to ensure the company has a reliable supply of materials. Based on this, the procurement tasks are as follows: - creation of a reliable and continuous material flow to the company; - close interaction with the departments using these materials, studying their requests; - search for suitable suppliers, close interaction with them and the formation of beneficial relationships; - purchase of the necessary materials of acceptable quality, and the right quantity, and a guarantee of their delivery at the right time and place; - ensuring reasonable prices and delivery terms; - pursuing a suitable policy of stocks and investments in them; - fast movement of materials through supply chains, forwarding deliveries if necessary, monitoring current conditions, including price changes, shortages, new products, etc. From my point of view, the importance of procurement cannot be overestimated, and purchases play an important role not only in enterprises, but also in the whole state.
Alymkulova Gulkan
1849 | 0 | 12
Organization of procurement activities of an industrial enterprise
The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work "Organization of procurement activities of an industrial enterprise" lies in the fact that terms such as competitive procurement, tenders, quotations, tenders are no longer new for most procurement specialists and managers. They are often found in the media, but many try to use them in their own work. Moreover, the number of companies that are faced with competitive procurement and that endured negative experience is expanding. There are especially many disaffected suppliers who participated in competitions held by government customers. The most unpleasant thing is that this is really true: many contests are wasted, as the winner is known in advance. Every year modern business is becoming more flexible, mobile and changeable, because what was optimal a year ago can now be very far from ideal. Often completely new opportunities appear, and if you miss them, you can lag far behind competitors or completely lose your business. And all this is due to the work on the old, well-established principles and schemes. Content Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of procurement activities of the enterprise 1.1 The essence of procurement and its role in the effective functioning of the enterprise 1.2 Enterprise procurement process 1.3 Activities of the procurement service in the enterprise Chapter 2. Specifics of procurement at the knitwear factory "Amadeus" 2.1 General characteristics of the Amadeus factory 2.2 Analysis of Procurement Activities at Amadeus 2.3 Optimizing Procurement at Amadeus Conclusion List of references
Alina Dairova
1739 | 0
Why should we engage in procurement?
First of all, to answer this question, let’s start with the definition of procurement. Procurement is a purchase(buying) of goods for further targeted use. The main questions that should be answered in the process of providing the businesses with means of labor: what to purchase, in what quantity and on what terms. In other words, purchasing only what is needed, what is more important, in terms of profiting the company, purchasing on time so that contracts with customers are carried out on time. The essence of procurement logistics is the creation of a clear, reliable and uninterrupted communication between the supply of materials to enterprise and their further storage, use and sale. Procurement planning, taking into account the wishes of consumers of materials. Formation of mutually beneficial supplier relationships for ensuring an adequate pricing policy and convenient delivery terms. Creation of stocks of materials and their storage. Continuous monitoring possible shortage of materials, prices on the market and new, more high-quality development of components. In conclusion, I want to say that procurement is an integral part of any area of human life, especially in Logistics. After all, purchases in Logistics are the main commercial activity in trade. Commercial work starts with procurement. Procurement enables to form an optimal assortment of goods of trade organizations, influence producers of goods. It is procurement that provides effective work of the trade organization.
A. Toktogulov
1806 | 0 | 7
Procurement planning in the enterprise
The purpose of this course is to study the procurement planning process in the enterprise. Based on this goal, the objectives of this course work are as follows: To study in detail the meaning and essence of procurement planningDetermine the main stages of the procurement planning process for enterprises. The economic success of an enterprise is ensured only if the planning and implementation of procurement processes is considered from the point of view of the interests of the entire enterprise.
Ilia Ilyin
1797 | 0
Why is it important to engage in procurement?
I am a junior student of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. I. Razzakov, I chose the direction of procurement logistics for a reason. First of all, I know a lot about Logistic, and second of all, this is a developing area in our country, which means that the country needs young qualified personnel. So why procurement is so necessary? To answer this question, you first need to understand what procurement is. Procurement logistics is, first of all, a complex of operations aimed at supplying an enterprise with resources, the volume of finished products, and the movement of purchased material resources among divisions within the enterprise and between them. The main purpose of procurement logistics is to meet the needs of the company or production in products, materials with the highest possible economic efficiency. In simple words, business cannot exist without purchases. Why? Because any enterprise needs resources, be it semi-finished products for the production of hamburgers, or office supplies for a large company. Any enterprise, both industrial and commercial, in which material flows are processed, has a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores objects of labor: raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. The main role is played by the choice of a supplier. You always need to look for the most profitable offers, evaluate and select. The choice is made taking into account all significant criteria - prices, delivery time, distance, additional service. It is impossible not to note such an important detail as the plan: What to buy? From whom to buy? Why buy? How to transport? Etc. The efficiency of work and the cost of services and goods also depend on how the organization of procurement logistics at the enterprise is arranged. This area of activity has an impact on profits, so it is one of the most important. In the end, procurement is an integral part of any business; if you want the business to bring money, take care of choosing a competent procurement specialist. When I have my own business, I will pay special attention to procurement!
Semeteyev Jamil
1741 | 0
Why is it necessary to engage in procurement?
What is procurement? Procurement is a procedure for obtaining goods, works or services, which consists in establishing the need for these goods, works and services, finding suppliers, concluding and enforcing an agreement for the supply of goods (performance of works or services). Procurement of an enterprise is one of the most important processes carried out in doing business. It is the procurement process that ensures the effective functioning of today's enterprises, significantly affects their competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In my opinion procurement is a very important link for any production or trade network. Enterprises buy materials, tools, finished goods. Each link in the chain buys goods from suppliers, increases their value, and then sells them to further consumers. Procurement Logistics is in charge of organizing all processes for obtaining material resources from suppliers. To give an example, first a businessman decides that he will expand his production with a new product. Having studied the sales market, he comes to a conclusion, what volume of production will be profitable, and what requirements the new product should meet. The plan is given to production, which dictates to the procurement department what materials and how much to purchase. Following an example, you can understand how important purchases are for any business, and without procurement logistics, the normal operation of almost any enterprise, including transport, is impossible. Logistics is a link between different producers and coordinators of their work. The scope of activities related to procurement implies all functions, the performance of which is necessary for the continuous supply of the company on a daily basis and in the long term. To summarize, without procurement it is impossible to implement any business and procurement plays an important role not only in small businesses, but also in large enterprises.
Nazarkulov Aybek
2179 | 0
Logistics and me
I am Nazarkulov Aibek a student of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. I study at the department of "Logistics" and, of course, I don’t have much experience in this area. How do I see myself in my future profession of logistics? To begin with, what is logistics? Logistics is both a practical and scientific direction, which studies methods of optimizing the transportation of goods and people. The task of each transportation process, no matter how long it may be, is to make sure that the goods or passengers are delivered: at the right time to the right place in the right amount A specialist who organizes traffic flows. He coordinates the delivery of goods from production to points of sale called a logistician. The need for logisticians is constantly growing against the background of the rapid development of commerce and the establishment of ties between countries. When planning to build a career in logistics, you should make sure that you have a number of important qualities. They will help you to properly organize the work process and reach the maximum heights in the profession. Many industries and industries - from retail and healthcare to construction and education - rely on logistics. Transporting goods, services and people from one place to another is a vital role without which society and the global economy cannot function. Many careers are hypercompetitive and hopelessly filled with candidates. However, logistics is a land of opportunity. There are many vacancies to fill, career advancements are often rapid and salaries are generally high. Let's imagine that I am already a logistician. What kind of person should I be to become a good specialist. 1) If I want to work in logistics, I need to be the best communicator. Communication with people - both personal and electronic - is a significant part of many logistic roles, but at the same time, I must understand that communication goes both ways - it is not enough to be a self-confident speaker (speaker). I also need to be a good listener and be able to isolate and process important and relevant details (points). 2) As a specialist, I must (must) be able to solve problems, as logistics can create incredible problems. How would I move a steam turbine engine for 190 million soms? For example: Logistics company TxDOT built a giant custom platform to transport it 39 feet wide, 18 feet high and as long as a football field. In logistics, I have to be able to find viable solutions, no matter how serious the problem is. 3) There are many career opportunities in logistics. I will need a certain degree of flexibility (versatility) if I want to reach the top in my field, as each role has different requirements and responsibilities. I will also need to be flexible in my location and working hours as many logistics roles are closed 9 to 5 and are scattered around the world. 4) Although entry-level positions do not require this skill, I need to learn to manage people because I need to progress in this area. Of course, to be a good manager, I need confidence, communication and leadership skills. 5) "Study, study and study again." Many people pursue a degree in logistics before starting a career in the field. This is not always necessary and it is often possible to climb the career ladder from a basic entry-level position. However, whether you have a degree or not, you need to continue to learn on the job if you want to be successful. Even if my role brings me to contact with only a small part of the supply chain, it is important to have an understanding of the process as a whole. Albeit small, the person has to develop and learn something new. How do I see myself in my future profession of a logistician?I do not know if I have answered this question. At the moment I see it this way. After all, I am only at the beginning of my life and have not yet decided on my future profession. But if I go further in this area I will be glad that this is logistics, as it is an important industry in our life.
Bungalow Arseniy
1854 | 0
Logistics and me
I want to start with the concept of logistics, but I will not give an exact formulation, because there are a huge variety of formulations and I can not choose one for myself. So I will try to say it in my own words. Logistics is an integral part of the modern world, wherever you look, it is everywhere. When I first started studying in this profession, my lecturer said one thing about logistics that I remember very much. He said that logistics is like a motor in a car, if it is not there-the car does not move. Why did I choose to study logistics ? I believe that this profession is very interesting to study, because while studying logistics, you simultaneously acquire many other skills (such as IT, communication, etc.), which will greatly help you both in life and in work. Another huge plus of this profession is that you are not tied to any place that your work depends on, and you can safely work remotely, even while in another country. In our country, logistics is just beginning to develop and this is a very good opportunity to show yourself and leave your mark on this culture. In the conditions of the modern market, firms are increasingly focused on the consumer, which is manifested in their desire to meet the possible needs of consumers. For a particular consumer, a high level of quality of a particular product or service means that there is a combination of consumer properties that meets their needs. One of these important properties is the cost of a good or service, which largely depends on the costs associated with various operations and works. Who do I see myself as in the future? I have never liked this question, but I will try to give a constructive answer. I do not like to think ahead and I can not say that I have some kind of dream, as for me dreams will never come true, but goals, goals – this is another matter. Yes, I can say that I have goals in life, and there are quite a lot of them. Namely, the goals that are associated with my future work are not so many. I want, of course, to get a good job with a decent salary, and even more I want to create something of my own and develop it as much as possible, and most importantly, I want people to need what I will do. I want to help society in some way. The modern world is a world of a globalizing economy with increased competition in markets and more complex flows of information, goods and services, people and capital. Most companies are faced with increasing uncertainty of the external environment and the reduction of the life cycle of their production. To be competitive, they need to meet customer needs quickly and efficiently, be flexible and innovative. This requires a well-established interaction of business processes. Logistics and supply chain management include the processes of analysis, forecasting and planning, implementation and coordination of the rational movement of goods, services, financial and information flows in the supply chain in order to best meet the needs of the customer. That is why logistics is and will continue to be one of the most popular professions in the modern world for a long time.